How many ?

As I will never get the chance like some of the members on here. Well I’ve opened 1 wotc box :joy: I was wondering how many boxes have members opened from wotc era ? Was just watching a tca video and just amazes me that he can open them and enjoy them and allow viewers to see !! Any ways want to know the numbers :blush:



I have opened zero and I cant imagine that number changing any time soon.


I posted a while back about when I was a kid (~9-12 years old) a toy store near where my parents and I used to live would sell their old Pokémon boxes for just £10 each to clear stock. I was lucky enough to have my parents buy 3 or so Jungle boxes, a couple of Fossil and Base Set 2 boxes. So you could say I’ve physically opened around 6-8 of them at the cost of around £60-£80… however being a child the majority of the holos I pulled from these boxes suffer from damage, however I did manage to preserve all the duplicate non-holos in pretty pristine condition.

Of course all my friends and I were massively addicted to Pokémon at the time, so I’ve no doubt opened several more in terms of the number of raw packs I would have gone through back then.

If you rephrase the question to ask how many WoTC boxes I’ve opened since 2001 the answer would be a big ol’ zero.


I’ve opened: unlimited fossil, 1st edition team rocket, 1st edition neo destiny, base set unlimited, 4 team rocket long boxes (72 packs each), and a trainer deck b to spice it up a little


How did those pay off ? Many 10s man ?

I’ve opened 1 or more box of every set from base to current all of WOTC included. It was my main goal when I returned to the hobby at Phantom Forces release in 2014 to make up for lost time.

Funny enough I had never opened a WOTC box even back in the day. Just individual mostly weighed packs given my low pull rates.

This doesn’t count every variant as I’ve never opened 1st base nor most WOTC unlimited (did do a neo destiny unlimited and many base unlimited boxes though). I did however open an open seal shadowless box and many 1st edition foreign languages including chinese, korean, spanish, german, french, italian and maybe more. Looking back at what so many of those boxes are worth now stings a little bit but I was able to add a ton to my collection of personally pulled cards which is important to me as well as breaking even or making a bit of money on many boxes as well since in 2015-2016 they were selling stupid low.


One unlimited jungle box. It was so much fun!

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Zero :slightly_frowning_face:

Just waiting for Gary tca gaming and poke rev to comment :joy:

All my neo destiny shinings got 10s, the holos were off centre and had heaps of silvering, plenty of 10s from 1st ed rocket box including Blastoise and zard, the rest were pretty much busts lol


1 jungle, 2 gym Heroes, 2 1st ed Team Rocket, 1 1st ed Fossil, half box Expedition, 36 Team Rocket retail packs, and 1 1st ed Gym Challenge. All since 2010 or so. All of these were under $200 at the time.

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Some decent pulls/ grades out of them?

Most of them are in toploaders and binders in sets. I only graded a few things. PSA 10 1st ed Dark Charizard holo and PSA 10 1st ed Dark Raichu come to mind.


Awesome man :blush: Atleast you got some minty sets then always a bonus

Oh nice !! Any highlights ?

Dunno if I’m sounding dumb but what’s p1p1 blastoise haha

Oh shit so good hit first up haha

First edition team rocket box. Also cracked/sold an unlimited base box with charizandrew that was awesome

On the fence about cracking a potentially heavy first Ed base set blister. I guess that’s the same value wise as opening up a wotc box lol


This thread hurts to read.