Harada Autograph Event in NYC - Feb 11-12

If anyone has an extra card they’d be open to selling – would love a Harada card in my collection (just DM me your price)!

Will be there both days for AM group. This should be a fun event. I only live 10 minutes away from the Hotel.


If anyone is willing to sell an NY auto, I’m in NY but totally missed this shamefully and would love to buy from you as a middle! Thank you if anyone is willing

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I actually do have a Sunday AM ticket that I’d be willing to sell to you for the same purchase price. Decided to go to Orlando regionals instead. However the listing says “Ticket must be redeemed in-person and you must show a matching ID reflecting the name of the ticket purchaser.” Lemme try to get in touch the event organizer in the morning and I’ll get back to you.


I would also love to have my favorite Harada Girafarig signed. Happy to ship it out and pay for the signing. Please anyone who may be willing to offer up a card slot for a price, shoot me a DM.

You might have better luck trying to find someone at the Orlando event. It looks like they are going to be able to get more autographs compared to this event :slight_smile:

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Thanks for heads up :+1:

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