GrumbleGamer18’s Kabuto/Kabutops Collection!

Hey guys! This is my first post, so I’ve drafted it a couple times now, but I wanted to share with you my Kabuto/Kabutops master set. A little over a year ago, I set out on a goal to collect every Kabuto, Kabutops, and Mysterious Fossil/Dome Fossil/Buried Fossil, in both English and Japanese. This meant 1st edition, unlimited, reverse-holo, all of them.

Initially, I really believed this would never come to fruition. However after meeting people like @nidokingdom, @maxmaxcity, and so many others, I’ve learned so much about the ins and outs of the ever changing landscape of this hobby, and made so many new friends that I’ve been able to find a lot of the cards I’ve been looking for!

I very quickly expanded my collection goal to include any items that include kabuto or kabutops in any way, and started collecting stickers, plush, and looking for postcards, books, display boxes, figurines, coins, anything to do with them.

At the moment, I’m still extremely new to the journey, so I could use a TON of help. I know what cards I’m missing, however I have no clue what else I’m missing at the moment. If any of you know and can help me, or know where I can find the last of the Japanese cards I’m missing, I really appreciate it!

Here are the cards I’m missing as of 2024-03-02:


  • EX Sandstorm (Non-Holo)
  • EX Power Keepers (Non-Holo)
  • Majestic Dawn (Non-Holo)
  • Platinum Arceus (Non-Holo)
  • Fates Collide (Non-Holo) (Never Graded)
  • Team Up (Non-Holo)


  • Legendary Collection (Non-Holo)
  • Neo Discovery (1st Edition Holo)
  • Neo Discovery (Unlimited Holo)
  • Neo Discovery (Unlimited Non-Holo)
  • Neo Destiny (1st Edition)
  • Skyridge (H13/H32)
  • Skyridge (Crystal Holo 150/144)
  • Team Up (Non-Holo)
  • Team Up (Reverse Holo)
  • SV Expansion Set 151 (Reverse Holo)


  • Split Earth (1st Edition)
  • Magma vs. Aqua: Two Ambitions (1st Edition)
  • Mirage Forest (1st Edition)
  • Mirage Forest (Unlimited)
  • Holon Phantom (Unlimited)
  • Awakening Psychic King (1st Edition)
  • Awakening Psychic King (Unlimited)
  • Tag Bolt
  • SV Expansion Set 151 (Non-Holo)
  • SV Expansion Set 151 (Reverse-Holo)
  • SV Expansion Set 151 (Masterball Reverse-Holo)


  • Darkness, and to Light…
  • Split Earth (1st Edition 058/088)
  • Split Earth (Unlimited 058/088)
  • Split Earth (1st Edition Crystal 090/088)
  • Magma vs Aqua: Two Ambitions (Unlimited)
  • World Champions Pack (1st Edition)
  • World Champions Pack (Unlimited)
  • Awakening Psychic King (1st Edition)
  • Awakening Psychic King (Unlimited)
  • Tag Bolt


  • Sparkle
  • Tekno


  • Common Chrome
  • Sparkle
  • Tekno


  • Rainbow Foil


  • Kabuto
  • Kabutops

Here are some pictures of my collection so far! I will apologize in advance, this probably isn’t everything; I’m in the middle of moving, so everything is a bit out of place!


So cool to see these, you already have a lovely amount of stuff and even a snack sticker! Can’t wait to see you complete especially your topps ones since those are the most precious ones to me and the different variants look gorgeous next to each others. About your tcg collection, are you collecting also different code variants since at least mirage forest kabuto should have those? Also good luck with unlimited wcp kabutops, i pity all species collectors who have to hunt anything from that set :sweat_smile: really looking forward to updates in this thread!


Thank you! Yes I was really happy to find the snack sticker, though realizing I have 7 more to go was the worst part of it :rofl:

Those topps ones may illude me for some time, at least the more expensive variants. Maybe I’ll come across them sooner though at a more reasonable price; I just find topps collectors less willing to let cards go, so they price them pretty high.

I never actually thought about code variants honestly! No idea how to look over which ones have them and which don’t; if you have any info I’d appreciate it!

and lol yeah it will definitely be a struggle, however it’s nowhere NEAR as much of a struggle as it’s going to be to find the unlimited Awakening of the Psychic King ones… those are gonna kill me I swear

I’ll definitely update whenever I add to the set!


Yeah topps chrome variants can be real pain to find and pricy when surfaced, i had my big hunt for sparkle muk that lasted years. Good luck to that, they are well worth the hunt and kabutops has such a great pose in topps cards!

Here’s a thread that should help you track down which kabuto line cards have any code variants!


Welcome! Always happy to see another species collector chasing non-TCG items too!

Great variety of items posted so far! I’ll definitely be following your journey :slightly_smiling_face:

There are a lot of amazing resources here on this forum. Including what @joponnes linked already, there’s also a pretty much complete list of English code variants here (the Japanese code effort is just starting) and a pretty thorough cameo list, if you choose to include those in your collection too.

The unlimited Japanese variants can be hard to find, but I enjoy the thrill of the hunt. If I have some time to spare, I’ll try to poke around to see if I can spot any on Mercari or something. I’ll send Kabuto/Kabutops non-TCG items your way if I spot anything too.

Look forward to your updates!


Wow bro!!! Love seeing these all together!! Absolutely beautiful collection !


Wow. Just plain cool dude. I love your collection, hes such an awesome looking pokemon.


Awesome collection. Vending Series Kabuto is my favorite!


Thank you SOSO much for all of this information!!! The item I’ve struggled with most quite honestly is the awakening of the psychic king unlimited copies of kabuto, kabutops, and dome fossil kabuto; at one point I saw one kabuto & kabutops that had already sold on mercari for 100 yen, however nothing since.

I’m definitely collecting cameos! Loving the new omanyte AR, hoping kabuto gets their own full art sometime soon honestly :pray: :rofl: but seriously, thank you!


Vending Kabuto is definitely one of my favourites!!!


MAX!!! You’ve been such a huge help with my collection, and bringing me in to the group has helped me become friends with so many wonderful people. I don’t think I’d be anywhere near where I am right now without your help (which I’m sure my wife has mixed feelings about lmfao :joy:) But thank you dude, truly :heart:

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Thank you! And I couldn’t agree more haha, hands down my favourite fossil boi


Welcome to the forums again and a really awesome collection goal and thread. Kabuto and Kabutops are super awesome Pokemon with a lot of lore and mystery so it makes them interesting as a species collector. I am not sure what is the scope of your non-tcg cards, if you do decide to collect the Bandai Carddass Anime collection cards, then I think you may be interested in these :


Again, super great to see you here. You already are off to a great start with your collection goals. Looking forward to see it grow a lot more. Thanks for sharing the updates.



There should be 2 codes of sandstorm kabuto, 3 codes for sandstorm mysterious fossil and 2 codes for mirage forest mysterious fossil. I have just finished researching all languages for these mons haha


I completely forgot to include these, thank you! I actually have 2/3 of them, but are there English versions?


Interesting… it always confused me why there weren’t an even number of codes for each pokemon in a set, do you happen to know? Also is there no code for Kabutops EX?

Also I’m looking to collect absolutely EVERYTHING regarding Kabuto and Kabutops, so if you know of any sets they are in, or anything else regarding them, please feel free to shoot me a message or comment here! I’m always looking for more information :pray:

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No code variants for ex cards :slight_smile: in english commons always have 3 codes and in japanese commons always have 4 codes if the set has code variants, uncommons have 2 codes in both languages


rares only had 1 code :slight_smile:

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Huge thank you to @bbobrob for the tip off regarding one of the hardest to find cards on my list; the unlimited Kabuto from Awakening of the Psychic King! I’ve secured a played copy now, and I’m hoping the purchase may possibly include an unlimited edition of the dome fossil as well.

All of you have been really welcoming and supportive, I can’t thank you enough :heart: