Getting opinions on cards before buying?

I’ve only been on here a little over a year so I’m still relatively new. I wanted to ask if I was looking at buying a card. If I could post pics and possible a link to the auction before pulling buying? Just not super familiar with some older certs. To clarify I haven’t found anything yet but wanted to see if it was okay to do.

I’d assume heaps of people would be helpful judging by the kindness of the majority of people I’ve seen post but I’d be cautious of getting sniped on auctions if you’re posting things you’re interested in on a public forum. DMs to someone you trust on here who have specific knowledge on what you’re looking at might be the safest choice.


I would post a general topic about a card or cards that you’re looking for help on that way you can prepare questions and get a comfort level before the next auction takes place. I would avoid posting the exact auction you’re bidding on.

Patreon @smpratte is also a good resource to ask specific questions in a more confidential format if you’re not already a member.


I might have to reach out. @smpratte Is it better to contact you on here or another platform.