Are there trusted places to sell cards?

From what I’ve seen this forum only allows for making threads where people are buying/trading cards, I totally understand it’s possible to scan them all and see if somebody wants something I’m selling, but is there a place where I can post my (mostly PSA) cards that are for sale?

Of course I’m selling on eBay already, but I think it’s safer to sell within communities where people know each other, got any advice for me on that one? I’d also want to add that I’m looking for open negotiations, I don’t really like selling for a fixed price with no room for negotiation.

If there’s no such place, do you think there’s a point in setting up a site where you can post sale and buy offers and the site then tries to match buyers and sellers and get them into touch? Probably not fee based, but the option for donations would be reasonable I think, as such a site would cost some money to run.

theres instagram, facebook, reddit, probably a few others… use at your own discretion though lol

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I don’t trust insta, facebook and reddit as far as I can throw them LOL
I’ve been scammed numerous times on Virbank. People just don’t send cards.