eBay Garbage

I did 100 sales in one week, the most I’d ever done, and only 4 people left feedback.

I threw up on the floor and passed out.


Holy Crap! 100 is impressive. Well, more will leave feedback. Generally it’s bout 50% that leave feedback. But that is a Rusty level work load! Don’t beat yourself up too much.

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It was a one time thing, I was selling a collection for a friend and isolated all the hits and listed them all at once. I forget the exact number, but I know it was around 100.

Great listings. Made a lot of money for my friend. But I could not believe how few people left feedback. Maybe a few have trickled in over time but in that first week or checking I only got 4 feedback replies.

It’s not something I’ll do again unless I had another friend in need of help, but I thought it would rocket me past 1,000 feedback score and it didn’t move the needle at all.

50% would be nice, I find it’s more like 10-20%. Sold almost 10,000 items and only have 2k feedback but a handful of the 2k is from buying

Buyer bought AND paid, then woke up to this message…


What a piece of shint


Some of these cancels must be legit its like some prisoners are wrongly jailed.

I can’t think of many valid reasons to cancel. I’ve asked to cancel before cos I realised cards were fake.

I have also asked to cancel because I misread the description, fully expecting seller to say no and that would have been on me. If I mistake I’m happy to just live with it.

I did once accidentally put my max bid to £89 on a raw shadowless kakuna that went above the £8.9 I had wanted to buy it for - ended up selling it for a profit.

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Dont need to know every genuine reason. For starters humans are error prone so its unavoidable. The prisoner was wrong place wrong time found guilty and proved years later was innocent. Im not saying all im saying some will be genuine.

Genuine as in, my son bought this accidentally? :joy:

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Even that can happen but not at the ratio people say lol.

REALLY?! Wow… I wonder what I’m doing differently… My seller feedback is definitely around 50%.

In situations where you put the wrong bid amount, you can legitimately cancel that bid yourself, as long as you enter the correct one. (Or did they remove that option.?)

You can still do that but not when you’re trying to snipe something :sweat_smile:



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Not so much garbage as it is a fun fake.

I thought the username was the garbage shack for a second

I feel like I need a shower now


Oddly enough, I actually appreciate their honesty here. At least they didn’t whine and complain about the price or quote some random auction price like 99 percent of the rest of the time wasters.