eBay Garbage

CC Is okay for the normal cards. I’ve gotten some cards there cheaper than anywhere else (english) that is. The only time I brought a promo off there was when I had no other options, which sucked, but at least I was guarenteed a mint card. *Shrug*

CC has good prices on booster packs, at least they did last time I bought something from them. In fact, I was able to purchase 5 POP 5 Packs from them at $4 a piece. Pretty fair price to me.


"Final value fees for auction-style format listings
Auction-style format listings

Total cost to buyer (less any sales tax)

Final value fee
(Based on the total amount of the sale, including the cost of the item, shipping, and any other fees a seller may charge, excluding any sales tax)

Fixed price final value fees
(Based on the total amount of the sale, including the cost of the item, shipping, and any other fees a seller may charge, excluding any sales tax)"

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I think someone should tell that seller that like 75% of his listing is horribly wrong…

EDIT: Hahahaha! Look at their other listing! www.ebay.com/itm/Pokemon-WARTORTLE-42-102-ERROR-PSA-8-NEAR-MINT-MINT-Evo-Box-Base-Set-Graded-Card-/200775854000?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2ebf2c67b0#ht_500wt_1287

Hahaha giving them 25% for getting the name of the pokemon is quite generous :stuck_out_tongue:

…I hate when people do this. Do they even know what PSA means?

Man what is up with people and fake cards lately??? There are so many on eBay that it’s not even funny. And stupid people are bidding on them…

This one makes me cringe…

They always damage it to make it seem less fake.
I’m kind of embarrassed though because I’m not able to spot fakes if they’re new cards.
I’m not into cards made after 2000~2002. :sweat:

It’s an autographed Crystal Energy (Festa 2002, 039/P). It can be yours, my friend if you have enough rupees for only $999.99!

Seriously, the conception of autographed cards is becoming ridiculous xD

hell yeah… I saw this and was like “who on earth would pay so much” and who guarantees the autograph is genuine?.. noone…


The bid list is not suspicious (sarcasm)

Hahaha 22 bids yeah…Current Bid: $1,025.00 - Totally Legit.
I must say, they have at least advertised it very well with the laid out tables.
Usually these types of auctions are like here’s a Charizard Ex, in the description it’s called a Weddle ultra rare.

Lol some sellers must think most people are dumb.

I reported it :blush:

Is this not a plain and simple Bulbasaur Deck version of the Toyota Pikachu?



HAHAHAHA that’s ridiculous!

Should I Buy It Now or take a risk and make an offer? I wouldn’t want someone else to snag it from me :slightly_frowning_face:

Buy it now. Opportunities like this are once in a lifetime and you better believe there are hundreds, maybe even thousands, waiting in line to pop on this deal. Don’t be the guy who has to wonder “what if?”