Does a curved card reduce the PSA Grade?

Dear ladies and gentlemen,

Iam having a lot of Japanese holo cards I want to send in to PSA; they are all totally perfect in condition, the only thing:

Due to the storage in a folder that came from the factory they all have that “curved” warped look.

Never submitted to PSA and wanted to know if anyone has experience when it comes to the grading system----will the grades be lower because of that curving?

Regards and Merry Xmas

From what I’ve heard, a light curving doesn’t influence the grade. However yours are pretty curvy, you might want to consider flattening them between to perfectly flat sheets of glass and attach some weight on top. Just leave them there a few days or weeks and you should be fine.

Does anyone have experience with this grade of curving and the PSA result? I have hundreds of cards looking like that, its a bit of a stress to flatten them, plus I don’t wanna hurt the cards

do you really think this curve will go away with this “glass-method”? Would you place the card between them with the soft sleeve or without?

Yes you should sleeve the cards for safety against scratches. @garyis2000 has been using this method successfully for years now. If you have concerns, simply leaving them in top loaders or card savers for a few weeks will also help, even if it’s not quite as effective.

Edit: just to clarify, slight curving shouldn’t affect the grade, but with a curve like in your photo, I imagine it’s hard for PSA to even put it in the case correctly.

ok thank you very much for ur help

will try the glass method now with one card first

is there anyone who ever submitted a card to PSA like mine? Being that curved?

What are ur experiences

kind regards

When I put them in card savers they seem to flatten out over time. Also thats a nice looking pringle as rudy would say.


Questions like this need to be posted in the Giant Grading Megathread here:

To avoid interrupting the discussion there and because it looks like the question has been answered I’m locking this thread.