Do you think Pokemon should do a True Base Set Reprint?

So as a lot of you know, Konami has decided to do an anniversary Legend of Blue Eyes reprint along with many of the other original sets, but with a stamp on the card?

What do you think of Pokemon recreating Base Set with Base Set box reprints of all the og and nostalgic arts but with an identifier that they are reprints?


Make either base set full arts or reimagined art. Iā€™m full on direct reprints.


Wasnā€™t that kinda what celebrations was? Had the big three with stamps on the cards?

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Wasnā€™t that kinda what celebrations was?
Not really it wasnā€™t a true reprint

Hell yea, I saw the design of FA charizard, venusaur, and blastoise reimagined. Would be insane

I was going to make a post about this too! I know Yugioh gets memed to death about reprints and what it does to card values, but honestly Iā€™m so excited for this!

Their 25th anniversary box contains the god cards, dark magician, red eyes black dragon, blue eyes white dragon and then a copy of each of the original packs. All for like $20ā€¦ the PokĆ©mon celebrations 25th anniversary ETB was like $40 and honestly not that exciting.

I know I may get dunked on for this, but this is what annoys me about this hobby sometimes. People really get defensive about card prices and this plays into the whole PokƩmon as an investment thing, rather than just enjoying the hobby.

Imagine paying $20 for a base set Charizard, Blastoise and Venusaur. Plus a pack of fossil, jungle, base set and rocket. Because this is essentially what Yugioh are doing. Yeah they have stamps, but Iā€™m not caring about value, just the pure nostalgic joy! This hobby really does facilitate gate keeping and ā€˜investment brosā€™ sometimes. But also this isnā€™t so much about collectors and more about the PokĆ©mon company I guess. They do the same with games. ā€˜Hey, donā€™t pirate or emulate our games, but no we will not release them again, oh and original carts now cost $100ā€™. They are not too bad, we did have evolutions, celebrations and the new vintage box coming later this year.

Iā€™ve ordered a Yugioh box, not as an investment, not caring if it tanks the prices of my original cards, purely just such a great price for a really nostalgic experience. Rewarding fans for 25 years.


Iā€™d rather they reprint or do a ā€œbest ofā€ the Neo or E-series (Expedition through Skyridge).

Give Gen 2 its time in the spotlight!


As long as its clearly distinguishable from the original cards, sure. I think a base set reprint wouldnt be my cup of tea though. Iā€™d rather they do reprints of certain card arts or do reimagined arts, like the pikachu from celebrations.


I feel like it gets to a point itā€™s lazy if it becomes a regular thing and itā€™s like filler episodes in anime some like it but overall just to hold people off until they get something actually new they want.

I agree full arts and stuff is the best way about it because itā€™s the same concept but a new execution to go with the era.


The absence of Ā© wizards1999, the right galaxy foil, the right fiberboard grade and the right finish will probably prevent a true true reprint anyway but if they do it then I would really hope that they approximate 1st ed and shadowless cards, not unlimited. A watered down reprint of Base Unlimited with no X-factor sounds incredibly boring so something like a beautiful stamp may add something in that sense, but I doubt I would care. Not opposed, but not overly enthused.

Reimagined arts sounds infinitely cooler, essentially finishing off what they started with Stormfront and Rising Rivals. Maybe bring someone like Koike out of retirement to do the Kinebuchiā€™s.

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Gym Series or a VS Series reprint/reimagining with Full Art Trainers & Character Secret Rares pls


Agreed. I dabbled in Yugioh back then and I appreciate Yugioh. I didnā€™t know about those sets until this thread. But I will say I am excited for it as it will allow a casual like myself to enjoy the sets. I am not casual in Pokemon so that may could my judgement.

Does all this stuff have a Japanese release too?


Base is still cheap as dirt for what it is. I donā€™t see a purpose


NO No and noā€¦ I hate reprints in any form ( so also with a stamp on it)


I would lose my mind. Screw card value, this would be amazing! I only played yugioh for a little while as a kid and even I want to pick up one of these boxes! I just imagine opening up a reprint like that of pokemom with my older brother who has been out of the hobby since he gave me his collection 20 years ago. The nostalgia of that moment would be worth more to me than those card values.


To me, base set has nothing left to offer, they squeezed that lemon dry before 25th anniv.

We are extremely overdue for a generation 2/3 tcg remake - and to anyone at TPC who thinks demand wont go crazy over a Jhoto or Hoenn tcg remake, i want what youre smoking.


Correct me if Iā€™m wrong but I think for Yugioh theyā€™re reprinting several of the older sets which I think is a lot of fun. Iā€™ll definitely pick some of them up for opening and to have a sealed one of each for displaying.

With Pokemon we already have Evolutions and Celebrations so that makes me feel like a straight up reprint of Base would be redundant. However, if they decided to do the same thing and reprint the first 4 or 5 sets I would definitely pick them up because I would love to have those boxes for displaying without needing to throw a ton of money down on the originals.


YEP! Iā€™d love base reprint for Pokemon

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Base Set reprints are not for me, but then again I am not the biggest fan of Base Set. I actually prefer Fossil > Jungle > Base Set.


Iā€™m filing a copyright strike on this thread @triple . This was my idea :joy::joy::joy: