Hello, making a thread for My collection! As you’ll see i LOVE THE ADV/PCG holos. Im more into the artwork from that time. The card design, along with artwork makes it, imo, best cards. I’ll be uploading more content regularly. Enjoy and I’m down to chat about pkmn!
Wow that ninetales is gorgeous! I really like the colors of the mawile card too. wonderful collection, looking forward to seeing more
Awesome collection, the steelix in particular to me looks fantastic! look forward to seeing more!
Thanks guys!
Art on Feraligatr is stunning, feels just like a gold star which makes sense given the artist.
That Espeon is sick, wish they made it holo in english. Do you have the Umbreon to match?
Aggressive artwork yet beautiful.
Hope everyone had a great Monday! It ain’t a collection if their isn’t a goldstar ray in it. quick question about this card if anyone can answer it. Will the price for this increase within the next few years? Always baffles me how the 1st ed is worth over a grand and this only catches a couple bills. fyi, I snagged this for $130 back in 2015.
Nice, I’ve been eyeing up one of those lately too but I’m not sure how much to spend on it. I assume it will continue to go up in value. Its artwork is absolutely phenomenal. I showed it to my friend who really has no interest in Pokémon and even he admitted that it looks incredible. Rayquaza is a great species, it’s a 10, and it’s a Gold Star. You won’t see returns like you would an English or JP 1st one but I can see it growing for sure. Not like any more are being printed.
You have great taste! Love the collection!
I bought my ray star in october 2015 for 115 GBP and if I were to sell it now I wouldn’t accept anything less than 250.
You have such a beautiful collection I love japanese ADV & PCG era holos myself too
Thank you! They are very nice cards, the holo, the art. Underrated for sure.