Cards that have magikarp in them?

You sir, are a legend! Thank you! :blush:
*casually prints this to have a handy dandy checklist*

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Yeah, i sent him a message a little bit ago haha. I hope hes willing to sell one haha

Also strange but for the web series one I always only run into 1st edition ones XD you’d think 1st edition would be harder to find but nope

So counting unique cards, I have 74 cards, wich is a lot less than listed, but I haven’t bothered getting the ones with different codes so far XD Also some cards just seems like they cannot be found. Been lurking around for the japanese skyridge ones for like forever but none ever pop up for sale. And for the japanese ironically 1st edition is so much easier to get than unlimited. Atleast it’s not usually like the supreme victors one where I ended up having to buy this weird briefcase thing with 4 tiny decks just cause I wanted that ONE card XD

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Unlike all other languages including English, for almost all Japanese sets UED is harder to find than 1st (except for some of the Decks). Especially The L1 set (HeartGold SoulSilver) and the L2/L3 as well are extremely hard to find in UED.

Here is perhaps a useful thread as well, which contains a list of sets where UED is harder to find then 1st; or where no 1st/UED were released.


A lot of those Magikarps are in the same set as Pikachus, so I indeed know what you mean. Both English and Japanese Skyridge were pretty hard to find, especially UED Japanese. And most UED are hard to find in general for Japanese. I still have to find a couple Japanese Pikachus and a couple Japanese Sevipers.


yeah, reverse skyridge are hard to find, in general. Have you tried noppin or buyee?

I personally have a thing against using those “middle man” services for buying japanese stuff. Like I can’t help feeling ripped off paying for something that would’ve taken me like 5 seconds to do if the japanese websites actually allowed me to purchase from them directly. That’s my personal feeling though. Also a bunch of those services, even when saying they accept paypal, end up prompting me to add a credit card on my paypal, wich is not something most people here in belgium have since it’s not something we need in daily life like EVER XD

Ahh okay. Well i know plenty of people use it on here, and most of the japanese exclusives that arent on ebay ive found moderately easy using them, so if youre on the lookout for more Karps that you dont have that are Japanese exclusive and such, i can try and help out.

Thanks XD I’ll be sure to keep that in mind. Cause of the renewed pokemon hype that evolutions caused, finding recent japanese exclusive isn’t a problem fortunately. Now if only I wouldn’t see those god darn pokemon themed fidget spinners everywhere whenever I’m looking at new stuff ;3;

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I refuse to pay 20,90$ shipping for a 0,99$ card XD

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Haha yeah XD when the game came out, I was so happy to see magikarp finally getting some more love :heart_eyes: I’m hoping for some more magikarp sleeves too!

You can always contact the seller asking for cheaper, but less secure, shipping. The 20.99 is default fee eBay lists for international shipments.

I thought it was 2.99 when I looked at it.

Ironically, 20,90$ in shipping would usually be enough to ship a boosterbox to me all the way from america XD but some people charge it for a single card and it’s just kinda ugh. And since it usually gets sent in a normal envelope in those cases too, I refuse to buy from people that charge those amounts in shipping, since usually they’re doing it on purpose to get more profit.

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Yep, that’s why the global shipping program is so shit, it always costs 20$+, no matter if the item weights 50 grams or 1kg+, really good way to lose potential international sales!

That’s why I said; always contact seller for cheaper shipping.
Few weeks ago I received cards from Rusty/TCA, like 15 cards total with just like 6$ shipping.


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LOL! Thats awesome! Im definitely going to hit that account up. Thanks, steph