Anyone from Korea?? - Korean Exclusive Pikachu (001/SM-P)

I just came across this card:

Apparently it’s a Korean-Exclusive SM-P promo that hasn’t been released in other languages (yet?). It was released on November 18th, 2016 within the New Nintendo 3DS XL Solgaleo and Lunala bundles that included the console, promo, and either Pokémon Sun or Pokémon Moon. (source)

Here are all the Korean cards I’m still looking for:

For a full list of cards I’m still looking for:

  • Pikachus
  • Sevipers
  • Mimikyus: No buy-thread, since I’m only missing the 58/145 Spanish Reverse Holo



Threw the image of that Pikachu in google images, found this link:

(Might be more useful picutres)

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I asked a seller on Ebay who was selling the Korean 3DS XL bundle. From their reply, it seems the card’s “very rare” in the South Korean markets.

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Wow a korean exclusive? That’s fairly interesting. Hope you manage to find one.

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I did the same, and got the same response. Might be the same seller… :wink:

I did gave him the max amount I’m willing to pay for it, and he said he’d be on the lookout on the South-Korean markets (“but no promises”).


Straight up haha, I just asked em if they knew of a link to a past auction.

I gotta say @quuador now I’m intrigued with this card. I’m also shocked that they made it exclusive to the Korean market and not the US. Very interesting :blush: