2022 Pokemon Illustration Contest

This competition seems like such a waste of time. Soooo many amazing artworks and the winner is just so… meh. *Incredibly* disappointing results

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I like the Bulbasaur art but it may look weird on an actual card due to the solid white area.

The runner-up Arcanine has been one of my favourites for a while. Was really hoping it’d get a card

No offense to the artist or judges, all of the top 300 are pretty nice to look at, but the winning piece doesn’t do it for me. It seems subpar to so many other works that display higher levels of technical skill, creativity, theme interpretation and uniqueness. It feels like everyone is disappointed with the result, which seems crazy to me. Would love to hear if anyone actually agrees with these picks. At least we’re not getting a Pikachu or Charizard…

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Just wanted to mock up the winners real quick in case anyone was curious how they might look on a card


nicely done. i hope they make greninja dark type instead of water for this one

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Nicely done! But I have to be honest that seeing the art in the card frames makes them even more underwhelming and less special. They really do just look like every other card…


I would go nuts for another Dark Type Greninja, it looks great in the black!!

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