1st editipn gold star mew

How much do you value a japanese 1st ed gold star mew in psa 10 (pop:15 atm)?

Two listings were sold on ebay in Feb:

Based on market conditions, I would say it is 1000$~

I don’t think it’ll go higher than Rayquaza’s gold star 1st edition, so that would be it’s presumed ceiling.

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That BIN is the same card as the auction. This card has dropped recently as its pop has increased significantly so i would say around 600-750 usd.

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Darn it, I can’t believe I missed that! Thanks for the verification!

About 4-5 years ago, the pops of mew was 1-3 and zard at 10+. Now it’s 15 and 50, respectively. I do think the mew should be valued higher.

Overall, prices of JP 1st Gs cards have dropped, but they will go up slowly, thanks to the crazy prices of PSA 10 english gold stars.


Looks like these prices above are from 2 months ago, at the moment there is non on ebay, so who knows. Gold stars are some of the most wanted and searched cards always, alongside 1st edition and shadowless.

Just won an auction for 810$ I think from you??