Yet another reason I hate PSA

I submitted five Japanese basketball cards to PSA grading. These cards (all the same — the Tokyo Apache Jeremy Tyler rookie card) have a copyright date of 2011 printed on the card. The form I submitted to PSA clearly indicated the card was released in 2011.

I should know … my company created the cards. And we released them a day before the March 11 earthquake.

PSA sent the cards back to me with “2010” printed on the case.

These are “professional” card authenticators? Give me a break. They can’t even get the date right!

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Or the language… I’ve sent some italian cards and I wrote the right language of the card but psa grade them like english cards. It’s too difficult to see what’s write on the card? Absolutly not professional.

Ill give you a tip. Next time put a shipping hold on your order, pending your review. I only recommend this for international orders cause of the shipping time/expense, and inconvenience. Simply call or email them after they record your order and tell them you want the hold. They’ll happily comply.

The bigger question is…if you hated them before, why did you use them? I hate my ex-wife and so I wouldn’t go visit her lol.

Post a pic of the PSA 10 you got for our perusal:)

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I do not really hate PSA but sometimes some graded cards are not good in my opinion.

Actually that was meant for Japanime;)


If you send them back as “mech error” they fix it and send it back for free. You’ll just have to pay shipping there. Apparently sometimes they send a shipping voucher to cover that too. I’ve always sent with new orders in the box too so maybe that’s why I don’t get vouchers (works for me)

They seem to like to slot cards in with something they have already graded. If your cards have not been graded ever before then I suggest writing a letter to explain the card next time.

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Actually that was meant for Japanime;)

Thanks, everyone, for their advice (on returns, holds, etc.) and replies!

As for the question as to why I used them in the first place … well, this was done as a favor for a business client in Japan. The cards were intended to be a corporate gift, and we thought having them graded by PSA beforehand would be a classy move.

Next time we plan to give some of our cards to clients, we’ll simply have them framed here in Japan and forget about PSA.