xzini's collection | Lots of new stuff

Here are my pick ups for this week :blush: Unfortunately my Sun & Moon boxes didn’t arrive but I hope I will get them before Christmas.

First of all I want to thank @quuador again for his amazing Secret Santa gift, got some great cards to my collection thanks to him. You can check the gifts here: www.elitefourum.com/t/e4-secret-santa-2016-picture-thread/15176/54

And here are the other things I got, big thanks again @gottaketchumall for the deal! Got the Groudon ex and the Topps cards from him :blush:

Next up, gift box Latias & Latios ex *-* I really love the artwork on those, I’ve been looking for these for a while. Same goes with the gift box Rayquaza ex. Actually I picked raw copies of the Latias and Rayquaza not long ago, but decided to these graded ones as they were tens and came with two other cards that I wanted.

Bought these 2 pretty holos too. The Ninetales is one of my favorite cards from the HGSS era