Would you rather?

Hey all, new here as of today so apologies if this is in the wrong place.
I recently received back from my first PSA sub a PSA 7
1st ed Nidoking and a Shadowless Poliwrath 9. Not much to most but I think they’re gorgeous! Now I’ve flipped coins, rock, paper scissored on what way to go with my collection moving forward. I’m pretty confident in saying that I could afford either set. Obviously the big 3 will take some work…and Chansey it’ seems lol. I know the first Ed is more desirable but lesser in condition. So would you rather go a psa 7 set of 1st ed holos or go the shadowless 9s? Just after a few opinions maybe. Thanks

What you like more and what fits your budget. Personally I would prefer lower graded 1st edition cards over high graded shadowless cards.


I would go for the higher grade shadowless. That’s just my personal preference. Just depends what you will be happy with.


I think no matter what we say you need to think deep and find out what you like more. I have both a lower set of 1st edition and a higher set of shadowless and like them about equally.

I used to like the first edition set more until I had a long experience with a fake stamp on a real shadowless card that was graded by psa (very rare), and that soured it a bit for me

I wish you good luck figuring out which to start with !


Hello and welcome @gen1a,
Now you have a PSA 7 & PSA 9 doesn’t mean you have to abide by these grades to complete a certain set.
There is no rule that says you can’t complete a set in any condition. You may get a 5, you may get an 8, I would say complete which set you like most.
A complete set in varied condition is far better than a 1/4 set in one grade. In time, you can always upgrade condition.


They’re both pretty safe as far as nostalgia (assuming you grew up with them) and quantifiable value. I would go with 1st edition though… people will always love that little stamp. :blush:


First you have to spruce yourself up. Put on some nice clothes and maybe a couple of squirts of cologne. Next break out the plastX plastic polish and clean up those PSA cases good, obviously they have to look their best too.
Next hit up google and find a lovely coffee shop nearby. Nothing too fancy, but don’t be cheap either. You want your choice to say, “I’m into you, but I’m not sure if I want a full commitment yet”. Take the Nidoking with you to the coffee place. Naturally we chose the Nidoking first because of it’s alphabetical superiority. Order two lattes and have a seat across from the Nidoking. As you slowly sip down your latte, appreciate the gorgeous purple hue of it’s body. Let your eyes stray to that 1st ed stamp - it’s ok, you don’t have to feel any shame looking. How does it make you feel? Look at the contours of the card. Appreciate that it may be a bit more rough than what is ideal, but still in great shape. Your eyes notice a fair bit of holo scratches. Is it a turn off? Or is it the sign of a mature and well-loved specimen? When no one’s looking, flip it over and check the back. There’s some heavy whitening - how does it make you feel? As you get to the bottom of the cup, ask for the bill and take the Nidoking home.
The next day you’re gonna wanna break out that google again. Look for a nice brunch place. A nice place to eat that won’t break the bank if you have to cover the whole bill. Take the Poliwath with you to the brunch place. Naturally we chose the Poliwrath second because of it’s alphabetical inferiority - but don’t let that sway your choice. Have a seat across from the Poliwrath and order some sunny-side up eggs and hashbrowns. As you politely nibble at your hashbrowns, appreciate the sleek blue beauty in your presence. Let your eyes stray to that empty corner where a stamp could be - does it feel odd like something is missing? or do you appreciate the symmetry of the card? Look at the contours of the card. What a beaut, some may even say it’s a perfect 10. Your eyes notice a holo scratch. So subtle, you would not have even noticed if you weren’t letting this baby wash all over your pupils. No one is looking - peek at the back. There’s a fleck on the corner but other than that it’s as fresh as a baby’s bottom. As you soak up the remainder of the egg on your plate with your last hashbrown, ask for the bill then take the Poliwrath home.
I guarantee after this, you’ll know the answer


If you’re taking the card to brunch with you, I believe you have already decided what you’ll be choosing. :heart_eyes:


Is there any discernible difference between that added on stamp and the real deal? that sucks man

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@pkmnflyingmaster, I’m howlin’ in my seat


I thought you had a day job…


Today was not productive


I dont think ill ever read a more eloquent and amazing post such as this. Perfection.


Hahaha. I’m not 100 % on if this was sarcasm but this was brilliant!

@pkmnflyingmaster, rofl

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@gen1a no, no. Thats 100% the best way to go about this. Trust me. :blush:

But to give my opinion on matters, go for what you will enjoy and will overall be happy with, so long as you can afford these means. If in the long run it makes you happy and its doable, then whatever you think is “right” will be the best choice. I could tell you “buy 1st edition! psa 9!” but if you cant afford it and it makes you not able to pay bills or rent, clearly its not a working choice. Youll figure out whats right for you so long as you give it time, research through here and other place, and take it all in strides.

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I’d rather have the first edition set.

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PSA 7 1st ed

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You can always draw the 1st edition stamp on the case, like lipstick you know. But you can’t remove that 1st edition stamp when it’s permanently on there. It’s clear: shadowless it is. You want choices in life.

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Remember to buy what makes you happy. I would personally do PSA 7 1st edition over shadowless. If a PSA 7 in sport cards are a good grade, it will be in Pokémon one day. Most people look down at it because 10’s are the more favorable grade, but 7-8-9 are really not bad.