Would you make this trade?

Would you make this trade. I was offered a complete psa 10 shining neo japanese set plus 1000 cash for my base set psa 9 1st edition charizard. I’m leaning towards making the trade only because I have 2 charizards. What would you do?

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There are a few variables.

Value: Does the set include Shining Gyarados, Magikarp, or Shining Mew? Including cost to assemble + $1000 I’d say that’s roughly equal to the low end average PSA 9 1st ed. Charizard. Including the extras it’s a bit over.

Depending upon whether your Charizard presents well can reflect a variance of $4800 to $6500. For example, a strong or weak grade.

Value to you: Does owning a complete Neo Shining set appeal to you, and is it a goal you wish to meet? The Japanese set cards are more niche than 1st ed. Base English. Resell could be more difficult.

Those are my 2c.


I’d steer clear of the Japanese shinings and latch onto an english set.


For me personally I don’t find value in Japanese Neo Shinings. I wouldn’t take the deal even if I had 2 Zards.


Id keep the Zard. Nothing like having a 1st edition Zard in your collection, and i bet the value will still rise over time.

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The set includes a sealed mew, and gyrados and magikarp.I think I might ask for a bit more. The charizard that he wants is super clean.

The great thing about a PSA 9 base set 1st edition Charizard is that it has a very clearly established market value: about $5,500. You could put the card up for auction today and reliably get back roughly $5,500 in one week’s time.

You’re also being offered $1,000. Great.

So it really comes down to a simple calculation: do you think that the complete psa 10 shining neo japanese set is worth $4,500 to you right now?

I have no idea if the set is worth that or not. But that’s what you have to decide.


I would make this trade all day if I had a spare Charizard.


When both choices are equally valuable, I tend to gravitate towards individual cards as opposed to a complete set of anything, so I’d probably go with the Charizard or trade it for multiple copies of individual shining cards.

That said, without taking financial value into consideration, I would actually prefer a japanese over an english set (outside of 1st ed. base/shadowless).

It’s not just current values but what is most likely to go up or down.


I’d keep the zard, I’m not a fan of Japanese set cards, if anything is going to appreciate it’s going to be the charizard and it’s far more liquid and sought after than Japanese set cards if you ever need to turn it into cash in a pinch.


No def would not make it

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Sealed mew? So, still inside the book insert?

And if I’m following you… the Gyarados and Magikarp are graded PSA 10? So with those you’d have around $4550 in difficult to sell items (plus ($1000 cash) in the current trade configuration. And by difficult to sell I mean that they’ll sit for awhile should you choose to sell, unlike the Charizard. I don’t think the Japanese Neo cards will loose value since they’ve been roughly the same cost for 2-3 years.

So card type aside, ask yourself: ‘do you value the opportunity to own these cards for a minimum of 3 months (est time to sell Shinings at retail), or do you value ease of liquidity (1st ed. Base)?’

I also received that offer. Did not calculate it out just declined.


Yes, the mew is still in the book.

Everyone is talking $$$ in here. The real question is do you actually have interest in the shining set?

Based on the responses here it seems like if you ever buy anything other 1st ed charizords you’re wasting money. Should I never buy anything with less potential than a 1st ed charizord? Are people who buy Japanese shinings dumb because they could be buying more charizords instead? If you are actually genuinely interested in collecting pokemon cards, you’ll realize not every purchase - in fact most purchases - are not going to be financially optimal.

So ask yourself this. If you had an extra $6000 to spend and only one 1st ed charizord, would you rather:

  1. keep the money
  2. buy another PSA 9 1st ed charizord
  3. buy a Japanese shining set and keep an extra $1000

That should answer your question


I’d do it haha the Japanese shinings looks so good compared to the English ! Especially raichu, Gary and magikarp


I’m in the same boat, but I also am chasing this set right now and I don’t love the giant fire lizard so…slightly biased :blush:


The consistency with the ‘charizord’ is too much to be a coincidence.

Anyway to answer OP, different people will have different strategies to proceed with this trade. As a business, I would make that trade to have more cool cards for sale in my store and the $1000 would maybe come useful. As a collector, I would not make that trade because I’d rather own something that is more historic and in mint condition nonetheless. As a short term speculator, I am indifferent because those options have the same risk-reward in the short term imo. As a long term speculator, I would keep the ‘charizord’ because it has better risk-reward long term imo.


I also received the same trade offer and turned it down for 2 reasons.

  1. Don’t need or want the shining cards for collection so there was no personal reason for the trade.
  2. As a set they are much harder to sell for a good price compared to the charizard. The $1000 didn’t matter in terms of cash flow so I would rather keep the zard which brings more views to the store, is more liquid, and less risk of a sharp price drop if we go into a recession.

Just my 2 cents

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