Wonder who got this bargain??

I thought I read 16 somewhere…anyway we can all agree that its not many…haha yeah it was a rainy day and I had some orangeish holo paper so I made one :stuck_out_tongue:

Mike: surely as an owner you’d want to know as many details as possible? Can you ask whoever you bought it from?

Dogma: I will do some sleuthing and see what I can come up with. I’m not sure why the number 16 stuck in my head but I will do my best to find out. However, I still no absolutely nothing about my SSB other than it was a tournament in 1999 and there are a few grainy photos.

Thanks Mike.

The SSB we actually know quite a bit about, see if you can convince viper.fox to translate the page from the old catalogue bible book thing (she’ll know what I’m on about :stuck_out_tongue:)

You guys were right about 2002 being the redesign, but what I didn’t realise was the names printed on the cards - that means that the version on the master CD (blank) never actually got printed!

Really! why was I not informed! :stuck_out_tongue: I would love to know what the tournament was about or how many there are out there. I have only seen about three of each that change hands but I think there are close to 9. Anyway back on topic I shot off an e-mail and I’ll see what I can find out about the 2002 trainer. Yeah I still think its neat having the winners names on there…should anyone find a blank one I would be surprised!!!

Hahahahaha, that would seriously be a holy grail!!!

Claire I think there is at least one copy of the female version. There is a photo of one on the gym thanks to promo_sen who sold that copy. It is a picture of the actual card and is a no 1 trainer, but the image is broken at the moment so you can only see the small version :confused:

As a guy, I also like the girl version :blush: And is there a book with those copies in them? I have that official book from 2000 but it doesn’t have the battle road trophies :confused:

God, I wish they would release a new bible, a new testament! I always look at the book and have seen every illustration 100’s of times, but think that maybe the next time new cards will be there.

Alright this is what I got: The cards were awarded for the first battle roads held in2002. There were 9 tournaments held in summer and 7 in the spring for a total of 16. Each was comprised of 3 divisions: a Junior,Senior and Master Division. So that means there were 16 Masters, 16 Seniors and 16 Juniors cards printed for a grand total of 48 I believe. So far all of the No.1 Trainers that have popped up lately are master divisions. This would mean 4/16 are accounted for. But, if there are really 48 in total it would make it one of the most obtainable trophy cards…any input??

Hahaha i’m just relaying what I heard. Its hard to believe that there are 48 1st, 2nd, and 3rd cards printed. I would think we would see a lot more for sale if 144 in total?? The number seems a little high in my opinion.

There is no way 48 exist, that is getting into victory orb/ring. I can say with certainty that 16 would be the max on them if that can even be backed by brian. I remember mozz quoting under 10 as the amount when he wanted me to buy his back in the day (which I now own after it changing hands a few times). He had it listed less than 10 copies, and the 16 copy thing is something brian estimated for a winner in each region.

That card you have or are going to receive soon mike is up there with the ssb’s. There might be one or two more copies, but I really want to emphasize one or two. The no 1 2 and 3 trainers do no get produced in large volume, they are always the top of the pyramid in collecting!

I argree that the number seems rather high. But we could literally play the numbers game all day and still not come to a conclusion anyone will agree on. There are just to many variables I.e how many tournaments, divisions, years etc. This my be overly simple but has anyone tried to inquire to the pokemon company jp. or media factory? I’m sure they have some record of these events on file or some type of population report on the cards printed. If anyone would know they should…I’m pretty sure they just don’t print the card/hold tournaments and throw away all of their documentation afterward. Its worth a shot.


What was the highest bid?

Don’t think I should say :confused: (the winner, who probably is on UPCCC. wouldn’t want that to be public. I’m assuming)

Here is the spring 2002 battle road : web.archive.org/web/20000829065405/http://www.pokemon-card.com/event/index.html#reort

I Google translated the 2001 and in the first line: “Summer tournament will be held at seven venues nationwide” …if 2002 followed any similar format then the number I posted earlier (9 in summer/7 in the spring) may be true. Each have 3 age diversions. So that can give us an idea about how many exist.

However I went a little futrther down the page and found possible locations for the 2002 summer tournament:
Hokkaido area, Tohoku area, Hokushinetsu Area, Kanto, Central Area, Kansai Area, Western Area,Kyushu area

I know my card was from the Hokkaido area tournament

Lololol! I wonder whose illustrator that is… If it’s not THAT illustrator we have two for sale!

He does take offers… I wish though eBay sellers don’t have to resort to tactics like this to get pageviews.

I might make it it’s own thread if there’s lots more discussion around it, both cards are interesting and deserve threads

OK… the question is, how on earth can the Illustrators go for less than $8000 now?

Wow, with the incredibly volatile trophy prices.

You know, I’m thinking that the 2002 trophy was actually bought at a fair price, not a bargain now! And two illustrators for sale at the same time? Unheard of, when the benchmark price has been set at $8000!

Snap cards were really expensive. It’ll be a miracle if anyone ever completes a set!

In general though I completely agree with you. We have been very very spoiled!

Speculation… or are you selling?

Please don’t sell this summer, I’m broke and want these!