Who Likes This?

I was looking up signed cards and came across this listing and was genuinely curious, who likes this?

🔥🔥 Ken Sugimori Signed Hypno HOLO Fossil 8/62 RARE PokEMON Card Wotc 1999 🔥🔥 | eBay

No offense to the seller, but whenever I see titles & descriptions like this they automatically log in my brain as spam. If anything, making this thread is the most time I’ve ever spent on a card with fire emojis. Anyway just curious if people actually respond positively to a listing with this type of title & description.


i don’t know man, i used to enjoy writing parody copy pastas of these PWCC like pep talk descriptions.

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I immediately assume the seller is not legitimate.


I just assume its a teenager trynna flip. Like im a teenager, but i would not put fire emoji. Personally as someone im 90% sure is more immature than that seller, i would put “PTCG Fossil Hypno, Holo, Ken Sugamori Signed” It just looks more legit, and look like the quality of the card shouldnt Be “Heavily Played”

Like to be on topic, This title screams “Heavily Played” and “Im Not Mature” Plus, who is buying vintage ptcg without knowing who sugimori is. Why did he need to explain him in the description

This Sugimori is more fake than the entire Kardashian family




Reminds me of Whatnot vibes…trying to hype/attract the flippers

“If you can touch them, they’re real.”

The use of emojis. The price, The seller rating. If it’s even real, the name being written in Kanji. Such a great storm of wholesomeness.

:fire: ULTRA-RARE Autographed Hypno Pokémon Card :fire:

Elevate your hypebeast collection with a one-of-a-kind treasure! Feast your eyes on this mint condition, Ken Sugimori autographed Hypno card - a true relic from the peak Pokémon TCG era.

:paintbrush::sparkles: Legendary Signature :sparkles::paintbrush:

  • Hand-signed by Ken Sugimori, the mastermind artist behind PokĂ©mon’s iconic designs
  • A signature that adds unmatched value and authenticity

:art::milky_way: Vintage '90s Artwork :milky_way::art:
Embrace the nostalgia with Hypno’s classic look, designed by Sugimori himself. Owning this card is like having a piece of the Pokémon universe’s soul.

:shopping: Streetwear x Pokémon :shopping:
Merge your love for the streets with the passion for the game. This card is the ultimate flex, blending rare Pokémon memorabilia with the hypebeast aesthetic.

:money_with_wings: A Collector’s Dream Investment :money_with_wings:
As Pokémon cards’ value skyrockets, a Sugimori-signed card is a goldmine. This Hypno isn’t just a collector’s piece; it’s a smart investment in the booming market of trading cards.

:athletic_shoe::billed_cap: Calling All Sneakerheads, Fashion Icons, and Pokémon Masters! :billed_cap::athletic_shoe:
This is the holy grail drop you can’t afford to miss. Stand out with this epic addition to your lineup. This isn’t just a card; it’s a statement.

:alarm_clock: Time-Sensitive Treasure :alarm_clock:
This signed Hypno card is on the market now, but not for long. Swipe it up before it vanishes. You’re not just buying a card; you’re claiming a piece of history.

#PokémonGrail #KenSugimori autograph #HypnoCard #StreetCred #PokémonLegacy #EliteCollectorsOnly


:fire: = :stop_sign:

Not the biggest fan of “fire” as a slang adjective either.

It’s a bit obnoxious for sure. Personally, I find these types of ads tend to be just click-bait or very overpriced or something in-between. Most of the time with emoji’s I consider it to be something non-serious or getting into meme territory, and so I don’t treat these ads very seriously either. I also recall seeing a lot of “INVEST NOW!” in ads in 2020/2021 and that along with emoji’s were just instant red flags to me :triangular_flag_on_post:.

I don’t think the average e4 member is the target audience for this type of listing. It is basically an Instagram baller post on eBay.

Guess I’m the only one that wishes I could search listings by the :fire: emoji :man_shrugging:


I’m indifferent to the listing emoticons and extras. As long as the card is legitimate.

Of course in the back of my mind I do wonder if the seller thought this would help them get a higher price.

This would be fun, but not for reasons that make me want to buy a card.


The fire emoji is at the heart of the Poke-bro culture. If you don’t get it then you don’t why Hisuian Electrode v boxes are the currency of the future. And if you don’t get that, well do you even try to hustle fam?

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The flames are how you know it’s good. That’s the Flame Emoji Promise™.

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Title stands out more than other sellers’ titles so gets more clicks/exposure.

When you spend more time adding fire emojis to the title rather than writting “Pokemon” right on a 5k card you know the seller is a shit emoji

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