x3 bears and nothing else. That way I’d get everyone to start arguing about the state of the market and the playing field would turn into the Giant English Market Thread


Birds + Bulls.

Birds counter rats and sniper, bulls can leverage most of the mammals

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Hawks for the rats and the Sniper for everything else.

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Me & The Sniper mushing to safety while he picks the rest off


Plot twist: The sniper doesn’t have any ammo.

I would pick the hawks to fly me the f’ away. Rats to distract/ kill them off. I’d keep one rat in my pocket of course because
I’d like to bond with it afterwards.

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10,000 rats would fuck up any other option here so it’s a must. The harder option is adding the sniper or 50 eagles to your team. Pretty sure 50 eagles could defend you from a sniper easier than a sniper could defend you from 50 eagles and the eagles could prob have a better range of sight from the air than a scope.


I feel like the mandatory picks are sniper and rats, but you’re fucked no matter what. If you don’t pick sniper or rats they will both kill you quickly. Yeah the sniper is a lot less useful for defense than other animals, but he one shots you immediately if you don’t pick him. 10,000 rats it just too many to defend against before they can be killed off. Sure hawks eat rats and can kill them efficiently, but every hawk would have to kill 200 rats before they kill you, and that’s just too many. Doing 3 seconds of googling it looks like in a day a hawk can eat 6-8 mice. Now you’re asking 50 hawks to each kill a months worth of their food in minutes while that food is actively trying to kill you? Not gonna happen.

If the rules were changed where you pick 4 to defend you and 5 try to kill you I think you’d be much better off and have a chance of living. I’d pick sniper, rats, bears, and bulls. Between the sniper and the bears the hawks wouldn’t be much of a problem… I’m assuming the sniper has infinite ammo since it isn’t listed so that’s not a problem. Rats are pretty useless for defense but could annoy the crocodiles probably lol. Main bulk of the work will be done by the bulls and bears. Lions can be taken care of by getting a giant bull horn rammed into them, plus with 7 bulls around you won’t be able to dodge them all. Gorillas get killed by bears. End of story. Silverbacks versus grizzlys, the bears win every time. I was thinking about picking gorillas instead, but they’d just lose to the bears and that’s too valuable. I really don’t see crocodiles as that much of a threat, and coyotes even less so.


For all the people mentioning hawks; there is no fucking way that’s a hawk. Looks like a golden eagle or some sort of much larger predatory bird than any hawk. Eagles are known to hunt goats and deer and have been trained by mongols to hunt wolves.

Eagles can take down some serious prey. CACCIANDO - Caccia in Mongolia, Eagles vs Wolves amazing hunt - YouTube

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1 sniper 10k rats, on a side note would be kind of a wacky action-movie.

Like others have said, 10k rats is a lot of rats. Nothing on land will be able to keep up with them and 1 hawk kan take like 1-2 rats at a time because if they stay for like 2 seconds too long the rats will take them down on the ground aswell. And on top of that you have the sniper that just takes down the bigger targets.

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Some people have asked me to clarify assumptions. Here they are:

  • The battlefield is the one I posted
  • The teams begin 200m away from each other (Americans can calculate how many feet that is)
  • The animals are programmed to kill like the Pokemon in the first movie
  • The animals are intelligent and can form strategies and communicate
  • The sniper uses a M40A3 from Call of Duty 4 and has unlimited ammo, perks include stopping power, extreme conditioning and sleight of hand (look it up)
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Rats and eagle/hawk.

Sniper is useless here. Can be the best Sniper in the world, doesn’t matter when a bird claws your eye out or a pack of fifteen wolves is charging towards you.

Rats can swarm and slow down the heavier predators while bids get in the eyes of the fast ones.

You don’t need to kill every opponent right off the bat. But you do need to buy time via disabling. Once you take down the Sniper, if you can get onto a large tree you can wait it out. The other animals aren’t intelligent enough to try and smash the tree down. Gorillas can climb trees but aren’t nearly as nimble as you’d think and with only five the rats can sink them down.

Also you can get a thousand rats to cover shield you like a disgusting pile of leaves while Hawks race towards the Sniper.

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Now knowing the rules, the pidgeys an rattatas sound op!


Honestly, gimme the Eagles and Rats. I think people underestimate how many 10k rats is. Also, 50 Eagles swarming any of the other groups would slaughter. Bald Eagles have been known in some scenarios to kill Gray Wolves for example, so take 50 of them and, yeah.

Power in numbers here tbh, a Lion may be strong but it doesnt have some magical AOE attack or something, lmao.

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I was actually picking the same two all day

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Sniper and Rats for me. I’m for sure going to die though.

Okay… I showed this one to my girlfriend last night and we were talking about it and analyzing it for way too long. Everyone has some good points but it all depends on many parameters such as terrain, distance, do you have to either kill them or just just survive/ flee, etc. I know it’s a meme but it makes for fantastic conversations! Still holding on my idea of rats + hawks though.

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I posted the rules/assumptions above

Oof, makes it hard. I’d pick the hawks to take out the sniper and hand me his gun, but they must reach him before he shoots me. My second choice, rats are a lot but I’m afraid they’d get trampled when the enemy animals try to reach me…

Anyways, who would you pick? :ninja:

Hawks and gorillas is gg, if you have the ability to decide their actions and/or allot them to certain tasks. The Hawks will take care of sniper and mess with rats. Gorillas can probably deal with the rest easily if they’re deliberately trying to kill the other animals and not do what gorillas do on their own lol.

Y’all overestimating gorillas quite a lot. A gorilla can’t do shit against an angry adult bull, it’d even be hard-pressed against a bear. Gorillas are spectacular intimidators, but they’re not actual fighters.