What's your 'Pokemon set' fantasy?

I loved the progressive artwork that was released in the e-reader era sets. A lot of them give me sort of a magic the gathering and pokemon crossover kinda vibe. If you look at Relic Hunter, Oracle, or Pineco from Skyridge, that art is so great in my opinion. I wish that they had a set that would bring back all of those really detailed arts that are just packed with so much potential to have some deep lore behind them. I’m just kind of burnt out on the boring trainer cards with just the trainer standing there and then a basic background. I would love to see a set with some deeper lore and detail attached to it. And also I really miss the OG wotc card stock. I would love for that thiccer cardboard to come back.


I’m all in on your idea for another team rocket set!

Southern Island 2! I’m adding that to my list


Steam Siege 2: Now with extra steam


Wow that sounds like the ultimate fire. 420 Typhlosion explosion in a box there!! :joy::joy::joy:

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bring back swirls and 1st edition. I appreciate what modern cards are trying to do by appealing to kids by making things more shinier the rarer they get but seriously the art lackluster and doesnt really do much for me. I like how a regular trainer card gets a new artwork as a full art but thats about it. More unique cards and atleast some rarity in the cards.

every card has a rarer alternate art variant

I really liked it when they brought back Shining cards for one set with Shining Legends, it was fun to see a more modern take on these cards. So I guess in the future I would love to see them do more of this. Every now and then single sets with things like Delta species and Gold Star, maybe even Primes and Legends would be pretty cool I think.

I would love to have a binder of the original 1-151 all as full arts, but that’s not gonna happen lol.

Realistically, I’d love to see more original set reprints similar to evolutions.

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Cp6 and evolutions did it for me to be honest.

Although a KANTO ORIGINS set would really make my dreams come true. Or even a set for every Generation and only Pokémon from each gen.

Regular holos of all the final evolutions plus legendaries of the first 151 and full arts of the big dogs like The starters, Legendary Birds Mewtwo and Mew. It’d be amazing if MEW was the chase card of the entire set. Mew could be the only one that has a Hyper Rare in the entire set, 1 in every 10,000 booster boxes. I also dream of a full art M Charizard X to be in a set!!!

We can only dream huh…

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Misty theme set fellas

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Some sort of full/half art ecology set just depicting pokemon doing natural behaviors. I’d also love to see some sort of “at work” set with pokemon assisting humans in their careers.


would love to see some numbered cards like sports do. Imagine getting any 1/1 card

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A return to the Holon region. Delta species would be awesome! Maybe an ex Dragon Frontiers remake??


A set without a single Pikachu card, but I guess that’ll remain just a fantasy these days, haha… :laughing:

Some things that come to mind though:

  • Mini sets focused on a single illustrator (i.e. ~20-25 cards of a single illustrator, and then multiple of these mini sets are released at once to choose from)
  • Villain set, focusing on Team Rocket, Team Aqua/Magma, Team Plasma, etc. etc.



Sets for the current generation that are made in the same style as the gym sets back in the day.

An evolutions style set based on neo would be really cool. I would also echo smaller set sizes would be nice as well for those trying to complete the sets. Most of the cards aren’t playable anyways.

Steamed Ham Siege


It’s been mentioned already but I love the “Team” sets - Rocket, Aqua and Magma, Galactic, Plasma etc. I think the last time we had it was with Plasma in the BW era, it’d be nice to bring that back. In the same vein, I absolutely love the Gym series as well, I think they showed they could do it well in a modern format with the character card and full arts in Cosmic Eclipse, would really love for them to do a couple sets with them (fingers crossed we get it in the S/S era).

In terms of a full fantasy set, I’d remove the regular EX/GX/V cards and increase the hit rate on full arts and rainbow rares. I’d change the regular holo pattern back to the Cosmos pattern since that’s my favourite, as well as make the regular holos more playable so that they have more value. I’d also have the same artist work on entire evolution chains (pet peeve when the art changes within an evolution chain in a set). I’d reintroduce something like gold stars and make them case hits, something insanely hard to pull and super desirable for everyone.

Delta species are one of my favourites so I’d love to see the return of them, especially since they had a holo border and that’s neat.

Wicke and Meloney Swimsuit Set

I’ll take Team Rocket 3, or a new Delta Species themed set.