Narrowed it down to 2:
Scroll or Xime?
- Scroll
- Xime
Narrowed it down to 2:
Scroll or Xime?
Shiny papyrus > hula pika
Scroll has no Pokemon in it. What are you really collecting there?
Hey so while trying to research the master scroll a while back I came across this thread Master Scroll Info where @Will mentions the second way to get the masterscroll the written cabal or something like that and how only 9 were given but 6 of those burned I can’t find information about it can anyone give me the full story and if there is any noticeable differences between those master scrolls and the normal ones?
I was just memeing, I can’t be trusted.
Here’s info on the Daisuki Club and actual distribution
Why am I so gullible??? I already read about the real distribution and thought oh cool, not as cool as the other way (that apparently was just a troll that I was gullible enough to fall for), guess I forgot about don’t believe everything you see on the internet lol. Well it was a fun fantasy read, your a good story teller Will, also now my search history probably looks really stupid. Anyway off of me being gullible, I honestly have always liked the look and history of the masterscroll even if I believed there were two ways to get it for the past 4 months… either card master scroll or xime is nice though
The question I always ask myself in cases like this is: how does the card fit visually into my overall collection?
I think a Scroll is easier to integrate because its aesthetics—featuring a relatively large holo section and soft gray tones of the trainer card—give it a subtle elegance, making it blend well with other cards without standing out too much.
The yellow of the Art Academy Pikachus, on the other hand, is harder to match. I own one myself and always struggle to find the right way to display it alongside other cards.
The second aspect is the level of completeness you want to achieve with your collection. You mentioned that you already own a Chespin—if you added a second AA Pikachu, you might feel more pressure to complete the entire set, which can quickly become financially demanding, especially considering the Japanese cards in the set.
A Chespin and a Master Scroll, in contrast, give you more flexibility. For example, you could collect a trophy card from each year that you particularly like. I also feel that the Scroll doesn’t create the same urge to collect the Eeveelutions.
I think this is a great answer. The cards I enjoy most are my set cards. Something about seeing the full set scratches that completionist itch.
Would you rather look at a set of:
Definitely Xime Pikachu for the good art and rarity, unless you like collecting little girl card (quoting from other E4 users) or wanna be part of the meme “scroll out” gang.
I like all 3 of the cards you have mentioned, & I have seen you have cut the decision down to the Master Scroll or Xime Pikachu
For the Price disparity the Scroll is roughly $11-13k or the Xime being around the $6-7k mark I would ask yourself with the extra Money from just buying a Xime could you then buy a Meli AA or a Lily Chan so you would technically get two cards instead of one for roughly the same price.
I know AA’s have a 100 officially released copies along with some additional extras, & the Master scroll has roughly the same amount of copies although it’s not confirmed comes down to personal preference.
But I’ll stick with Buy a Xime + another AA and start growing your collection but I am also slightly biased
If you are torn between 2 cards that don’t fit a specific colllection goal, and the difference in value doesn’t matter, I’d pick the one you could sell easier in the future. I don’t mean this in a negative way either, I’d be happy for you if getting any of these cards.
I find it insane that 100 kids were able to accumulate enough points for scrolls in such little time
Scroll. Or maybe some more art academy cards on he low lol
Unfortunately my collection goal has shifted and it will no longer include these 3, maybe these will be my 2026 goal or late 2025. I am once again looking to find a Cynthia’s Feelings
@triple I know that the back is horrendous for a PSA 8, but what do you think about this copy?
This is the stuff we need to take a break from fake cards ruining people’s lives.
Gotta love Triple
2 weeks ago: I am taking a break
1 week ago: I am buying a huge grail, you guys decide
Today: ope, never mind
Don’t know if they sold but I think Kampes Cards owns one. Might be pricier than an auction tho