What’s your most recent non-Pokemon purchase?

that’s soo nice

350 AUD without color options and they’re gonna have holes in them in 1 year. Hurrah.


Forgot to share this one,

Hunter x Hunter - Original Art - Kurapika :


@brendantheclayboy Your knowledge on the topic of the negatives is amazing! Are you an old school photographer?

Sure am :pikacowboy:

Camera is right on me bedside, rolls are in the drawer – ready to shoot all the time. I do shoot digitally professionally, but to this day the beauty of film is unmatched! Those red rolls have this effect:

(photo pulled from google)

All white to yellow (daylight or tungsten) highlights have a red tint.


That is super cool! I’d love to see some of your work sometime

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Honda CR-V, 2016 model 2.0 ltr EX spec, wonderful car. Needed something reliable & practical for my gardening side hustle. 75k miles on the clock, full service history, 1 elderly owner from new, like-new condition, and cost around 25% of it’s original price. Cash paid, never getting into debt for a car. Hope to get many many years and miles out of this beaut.


Everything about this post is high level/top tier :saluting_face:
Well done!


I bought my CRV used in 2018 with some Pokemon cash and it’s still going plenty strong! Congratulations!


You know, I actually wanted one of the older models, around ‘06 - ‘09, they’re such solid machines and will just run and run. Higher mileage but incredibly cheap for a nice example. Dunno where you’re based, but in the UK the government is essentially scamming its citizens with these batshit insane ‘Ultra Low Emission Zones’ (ULEZ) which are are a new penalty tax disguised as environmentalism, which basically means that you have to have a car with a Euro 6 emissions-rated engine to be able to enter the country’s main city centres, or pay a £100 fine. For diesels like mine, this means having a car no older than 2016. I need to be able to enter Edinburgh city centre so I had to shell out £5k more for the car than I otherwise would have needed to. Ah well.

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The art piece behind the water bottle


Thankfully I’m in the U.S. so I don’t have to deal with that, haha. Either way, no car payment and a reliable car is a big win!

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Congrats on paying cash for a decent car! It’s the way to go for sure.


Some credit card skins😅


First Animal House release of Berserk


This is the riaa award for speak now. this is pretty unique in that besides having peter max art they are all hand signed and personalized to the receiver! most of the other riaa awards the signatures are just prints.


Not sure if it’s okay to post this here but got a big mail day today of one of my favorite baseball players. #/500. Really happy to have this in the collection.


Not in hand yet but was my favorite game when it came out and was my favorite game during the pandemic playing the remake on Xbox (and I never play games, ever).


nice haha was this in the showcase. i saw a 95+ botw sell for like 12k then i had tp increase mine :flushed:

That BOTW was insane. Doesn’t even make sense. The game is from 2017! lol

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