What is your favorite Pokémon and why?

i genuinely couldn’t pick a favourite… I love hoothoot, psyduck, mew, jirachi, kabutops, genesect, stantler, claydol, exeggutor, spinarak, flygon, alakazam, pichu, deoxys, lugia… gen 1-3 mons are really great, but I just keep finding new pokemon to enjoy for different reasons over the years. I also find that after I play through a game with a pokemon, i start liking it more lol



Kind, powerful, intelligent, curious.


I don’t work in vector so I’d have to pass but I appreciate it, I mostly do illustrations over logos :slight_smile: Good luck on your search, fellow pinsir enjoyer.

Also, weedle is an excellent pokemon. It’s a simple pokemon, there’s no need for embellishment. Just a basic little critter.

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Pumpkaboo :slight_smile:

Halloween is my favorite holiday, fall is my favorite season, Ghost is my favorite type, and I love pumpkins. It’s cuteness is unmatched as far as I’m concerned, too.



Perfect design, difficult to use, ghost type, one of only a handful defensive ghost types, surpassed his inferior evolution in BW with the invention of eviolite. First stage 1 pokemon to be outsped by Snorlax, always thought that 25 speed stat was cool, and it would come in handy when I took him to gladiator school in the days of competitive B2W2.


Yeah i guess it’s like yungoos or sawk, don’t like anything slimy.


#pokemon from Delicious!

I always considered Dragonite to be a very Stoic and kind Pokemon, but an absolute badass when it is needed.



Pokemon Crystal and Pokemon Emerald are the most significant games from my childhood. In Crystal I caught a corsola, I must have loved like crazy because I proceeded to level it up to 100. Back then all of my friends said I was lying because pokemon could get past lv.99 I guess none of them were good enough to even try :smirk:

Once Emerald came out I probably didn’t put the game down for three years. I memorized everything in that game but perhaps my favorite moment was solving the regi puzzle. I think I could even fully read braille for those few years. Regardless, one of the pieces was that I needed a relicanth. What an awesome pokemon!
I fondly remember using dive for days trying to catch that elusive pokemon. Such a calming aspect of the game.

So, corsola and relicanth are my faves. I can’t really pick between them and it’s funny that they are more along the lines of deep sea pokemon because I am absolutely terrified of looking down in deep water. Whales are pretty much he most horrifying creatures.


Mine is Gyarados because it’s better than Charizard


Would be shorter to just say cos I´m a closet furry


Gengar (and Haunter)!
All because:

  1. that episode from anime when they introduced the trio of ghost pokemon and they appeared to be a goofy bunch that just wanted to play tricks on people
  2. For a while I could only have Haunter because I didn’t know other people that also were playing Pokemon. I wanted Gengar so badly but couldn’t get him due to that trade evolution gimmick and got stuck having 100lvl Haunter and grew liking him quite a bit.
    Now both of them are my favorites with Gengar being up there by just 1 point.
    I think this sort of “gamer trauma” made me want to hoard Gengar cards and many gengars in pokemon games. I have so many shiny gengars in games…and i always leave gengars in Pokemon Go stadiums and my character dressed in that 400coin gengar pajama and gengar backpack. I need to see a pokemon psychiatrist i guess…



I started with RBY (and liked them) but the Gen 2 games really made fall in love with Pokemon. I cannot count how many times I replayed these in my childhood (and even today I play them every now and then) and I almost always chose Totodile. The best designed (starter) Pokemon of any Gen in my opinion.


I think ultimately it’s always going to be Squirtle. I remember when I was like 7 years old it took me forever to choose a starter when first playing Pokemon Blue, but he just appealed to me the most and is what I stuck with and beat the game with my first time around.

In addition, Base Set Squirtle just instantly hits my nostalgia like no other Pokemon card does (outside of maybe Charizard or Pikachu):


Flareon is my favorite Pokemon for a variety of reasons. I really liked the artwork on the Jungle set when it first released. I pulled a holo Flareon, stuck it into a toploader, and carried it everywhere with me. I also used a Flareon in my play-through of Yellow and it was a solid member of the team.

There’s something about the design where I find it to be both a cute and cool Pokemon.


Kabutops! This badass fossil pokemon has been my favourite since the beginning :slight_smile:


Totodile. No reason really. I got into Pokémon around 2008-2009 (I was 8) when my parents bought a collection off a family friend for my birthday which contained a lot of Totodiles for whatever reason. I would say a close second would be Arceus as that’s the most nostalgic for me. I remember opening the Platinum Arceus poster box and hanging the poster on my wall.



Possibly weird take, but I always liked Psyduck.

I remember watching the show as a kid and Misty always getting upset by that damn Psyduck :rofl: just sitting there and fumbling around and I thought it was so silly. It’s almost like a troll Pokemon…every other Pokemon has some sort of move that actually makes sense for battling: Bite, Body Slam, Solarbeam, Thundershock. For Psyduck? Oh, yeah - Headache, Panic, and Spacing Out should all do the trick. Makes you wonder how that conversation went about creating a perpetually confused and headache-laden platypus when all the Pokemon originators were sitting in the board room developing the franchise.

Outside of the silliness, I like Psyduck because it’s an OG Pokemon; while I like some of the modern ones, I’m hard pressed to look past any Pokemon that was part of the Gen 1 group and part of Pokemon’s inception back in the mid 90’s. Even the 2022 World Championship promo cards still have Psyduck in the background art; hard to see that type of longevity with a lot of the other Gen 1 commons vice the big players (the starters, Eevee, etc). I also like that Psyduck’s persona has stood the test of time; in that same card, Psyduck is doing what Psyduck always does: getting into some unforeseen trouble.

You heard it here first folks. Psyduck is a sleeper - big cards/arts are coming for this guy, he’s due for a rebuff! Also, fun fact for the day: Psyduck is Junichi Musuda’s (one of the Gamefreak founders and original Pokemon influences) favorite Pokemon!


Wobbuffet. Gen 2(crystal) was my main game as a kid, I also completed the dex having 250/251 pokemons, only missing Mew. I traded with neighbours and kids in school for certain pokemons but never managed to find Mew. Celebi was caught through the asian version of pokemon crystal then I traded to my english versio, was over the moon for weeks with encountering the celebi arc and catching it. When it all got boring i started to try to train every pokemon to lv100(which i never completed), i was very surprised to find out wobbuffet learnt no abilities throughout the whole way to lv100 but i fell in love with the mechanics of this pokemon and it just naturally looks like a mascot. I should’ve kept the game but like most kids when pokemon became ‘not cool’, cards and games weren’t cherished anymore, sad part is i don’t even know who my mum gave my games to. :joy:

Lugia would be the close second


Be me, 10, finally got Red Version. Chose Squirtle. Plowed through Brock, Misty and Lt. Surge. Couldn’t figure out for the life of my why I couldn’t beat Erika and I beat Surge with my Wartortle lol. Finally beat her and scrounge to find an Oddish to evolve to a Vileplume. Fast forward 60ish levels with my Gloom I kept asking myself what I was doing wrong. No evolve?

Plowed through Giovanni, then Lorelei & Bruno with Gloom. Again, couldn’t figure out why it wasn’t evolving. Fast forward to Gold and Silver, I pick up Silver, same strat. Get Oddish in the second half, still no Vileplume until one day … class trip to the library, pull up, find the strat guide to Red and Blue, you know EXACTLY which book I’m talking about, find Gloom … read Leaf Stone.

Vileplume will forever be my childhood memory of beating the game with my grandmother, grew a green thumb, learned how to garden and learned the importance of hospitality and patience, also shown in game/show, from Erika.


Squirtle is my favorite Pokémon, and I think he always will be!

I don’t know how my love for Squirtle started, but it probably had something to do with him being a blue Pokémon starter (blue has always been my favorite color, and I probably loved him as a kid during Red/Blue because of that). Or, maybe I love Squirtle because of the anime and his appearance with the Squirtle Squad. All I know is, he’s my boi :slight_smile:!