What are your niche collecting goals/interests?

If anyone finds one of these for sale, please tag me! :slight_smile:

I collect all Pokemon Center releases containing Oddish :heart_eyes:


This might be considered odd or a glutton for punishment, but I particularly like picking up my cards/slabs from auctions. Winning auctions feels so much more rewarding than BINs or private sales because it requires hours of searching, waiting, bidding, and a hell of a lot of luck.

And although winning auctions is not a strict criterion for purchasing my collection items, it is a goal/interest when feasible.

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Good luck, these were given to WoTC employees in very limited quantities. There’s an article about it Rare English Cosmos Fossil Holofoil Error?Test Run?Misprint?


Is the Prerelease Aerodactyl with cosmos more rare too? I have that one and had no idea back in 2020 when I bought it. I was honestly bummed out as I still need to get the regular one :sweat_smile:

Nowhere near as rare unfortunately.


Still more rare than the regular one, right? I need to feel cool :joy:

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A bit, probably. :rofl:

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This might be a deeper dive than you’re willing to read, but I’ve been following these cards for a while so I know a bit about them if you’re interested.

Cosmos Prerelease vs. Galaxy Prerelease

PSA doesn’t even recognize the WoTC Cosmos variant. Until about two years ago, they didn’t recognize the Prerelease Cosmos variant either (until I spent weeks sending emails back and forth with a PSA representative), so the number is very skewed. I wouldn’t be surprised if 1/4 of the Prerelease Galaxy that PSA has graded are actually Cosmos variants.

Based on PSA’s numbers, the Cosmos Prerelease variant only accounts for 4.3% of the Aerodactyl Prerelease cards.

Based on CGC’s numbers, the Cosmos Prerelease variant only accounts for 5.9% of the Aerodactyl Prerelease cards.

Since PSA has been in the game much longer than CGC, I think the majority of these cards are in PSA slabs. Due to PSA mislabeling a ton of these, my educated guess is that the Cosmos variant accounts for maybe 10-15% of the total population.

Here are PSA’s numbers:

Here are CGC’s numbers:

WoTC Cosmos Holo vs. Galaxy Holo

Only ONE of the WoTC Cosmos holo cards has ever been graded by CGC.

As far as I know, none of these cards have ever been graded by PSA (but they don’t recognize them either, so hard to say).

Based on CGC’s numbers, the WoTC Cosmos variant accounts for a measly 0.08% of the graded card population.

In Summary

Taking the above information into account, I would say that the WoTC Cosmos holo is roughly 125x as rare (10% / 0.08% = 125) when compared to the Prerelease Cosmos version. This obviously does not account for ungraded cards, but given how rare these cards are, I think that people who own them are more likely to grade them. As more of these cards are found we will get more accurate numbers, but for now, I’d say it’s a pretty decent estimate.


That’s rad! Thank you for the detailed breakdown my man! Greatly appreciated :blush:

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Not sure if it’s true or not but I think when your comparing USA vs EU printed cards while living in the US you won’t see right numbers on EU cards. I once read an article here on certain cards that said to be very rare. Because of it I bought said cards very fast and overpriced. After some time I started to realize those cards wheren’t as rare as said at least not for Europeans but I could see them being allot rarer for Americans. So the prerelease cosmos aerodactyl is allot more common here then the star foil but what the overall percentage is between print numbers, that I don’t know.

This is also one of my niche interests, print locations. :smile: But I’m no pro tho, hehe

When you say I won’t see the right numbers, are you referring to the population report on PSA’s website?

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Yes, sort of. I think making an estimate based only on US companies not necessary shows the actual figures. If you would look at EU companies I’m certain the numbers between cosmos foil and star foil would look allot different. I just think that the cards haven’t spread enough overseas yet to make the right estimate but again I’m no pro at this. The biggest reason why I searched for a middleman is because many special cards that where printed in the US just can’t be found in the EU like black flame ninetales or E3 pikachu or most US printed error cards. I realized early on that allot of cards I wanted needed to be imported because rarer cards just arn’t spread out enough overseas. I’m not attacking your work btw :sweat_smile: I just wanted to say what my thoughts where seeing it from a EU perspective. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I never knew that Cosmos Prerelease Aerodactyl was more common than the starlight variant in the EU. Thanks for adding this information! :smiley:

So what you’re saying is that PSA’s population report is correct, but there are EU grading companies that would have different ratios, right?

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My Niches are my Karen binder (all of her appearances; so includes Umbreon V & Vmax from Brilliant Stars/Vmax Climax), My Naoyo Kimura binder and my Gold/Silver/Crystal shelf. Gen 2 is my all time favorite so I’m collecting that :sunglasses:

Trying to figure out what else I might collect after I complete those goals but it will take me a while since some of the WOTC Kimura cards are pretty pricey :money_with_wings::money_with_wings::money_with_wings:


I never really played the Pokemon TCG but I played a “Hand Control” deck back in YuGiOh when it was meta and I like to collect cards I remember abusing my opponents with.

Not necessarily my copies, images yoinked from PWCC

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