What are good places to buy Japanese singles outside TnT?

I’m trying to finish a few binders from specific illustrators and struggling a bit with finding Japanese cards from HGSS, BW and XY.

I’ve cleaned out tnt for those I could find and those I’m still missing doesn’t show on eBay.
Also have given Rakuten a shot via Zenmarket but that’s a jungle for someone who understands very little Japanese :blush:

Are there some other options people on here are using? 95% of what I’m missing are common/uncommon.
I’d also be more than happy to pay someone from Japan to help me source these cards if anyone would be willing to do that.

Thanks -


Bulbapedia has japanese translations for each pokemon and if you add the number of the common or uncommon you are looking for you should be able to find them all.


do you have a list of what you need? you could post in the buy thread

I’ve had better luck on eBay than TnT for Japanese set singles. Availability is hit or miss, so I just save a few searches and check every now and then, eventually a lot of cards get listed.

I use ebay. There’s usually a selection of conditions

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Yea, ill share my list in a buy thread and try that out.