Where can I purchase the cheapest commons, uncommons, rares?

I am in the process of creating a list of my favorite artwork of each 151 original Pokemon across all sets. I am going to put them all in a binder and look at them. Some of them will be reverse holos, others will be non-holo. The point is to have all the artwork displayed rather than having holo covering part of it. Anyways, where is the best place to obtain non-holo and reverse holos cards?

Ebay seems too expensive for non-holos. I think Troll and Toad may be best for non-holos but I’m not sure. Also, if any of you have singles across all sets let me know because I am in the market for them. Most of my picks, so far, for favorite artworks seems to be the EX series. So if you have those I’d like to buy from you once I complete my list. Thank you for reading.

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In Europe that’s definetely Cardmarket.com ^^ though your mention of Troll and Toad makes me guess you’re US based; I don’t know if it’s viable there.

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@thesatanicreshiram,I have lots of NM 1st edition singles that are somewhat random but only like Gym Challenge, Fossil, and Jungle. Your best bet may just be TNT.

Troll & Toad is probably your best option to search for everything non-holo. TnT is hard when it comes to determining the actual condition - so expensive holos can be a risky choice cause conditions are not definite + some pictures are whack. But, TnT has a wide range of almost every common/uncommon/rare out there, and they’re all pretty good for binder-condition cards.

Best of luck in your searches!


Was going to say pretty much this. Should be able to get them all in one shot.

Would TnT be better or the WTB section of this forum?

In January I’m going to need to buy a boatload of commons/uncommons/non-holo rares similar to the OP and was planning on just making a WTB/WTT thread on here since I’d guess lots of us on here have extras.

Where the OP is looking for specific cards from multiple sets it is going to be far easier to fill a cart on Troll & Toad.

In your case it will depend on the cards you are looking for. I always have lots of duplicates for trade but my spares vary depending on what I have picked up recently.


Just make sure to state solid prices your willing to pay.

An alternative to TrollAndToad I hear a lot about as well (although I’ve personally only ordered from them once) is TCGPlayer.com.

Although I personally buy my English singles primarily from CardMarket, living in Europe like @burnedos.


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tcgplayer isn’t a great option for a lot of cards if you are outside the US since the cards would be coming from many different locations.

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I was going to go this route too. I’ll make a post probably and see if people can fulfill my wants. Basically I’d be looking to get cards cheaper than TnT and Ebay for reverse holos (if that’s really the best option).

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I’ll probably do that for reverse holos. Are people more unlikely to answer to buy posts if there is no price set by the buyer?

I have lots of duplicate reverses that I would be happy to trade for cards I don’t own.

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Would you sell them? Unfortunately I don’t have much in the way of Pokemon since it’s not the main game I collect so I wouldn’t be able to trade for stuff. If you do sell I’ll keep you in mind for when my list is complete.
