Welcome @iitbandg ! Collecting what you like is the road to happiness. I don’t know if I’ve met another Mantine collector before so that’s cool. What drew you to collect them?
I really like sea turtles and manta rays, and the first time I saw a Mantine card, I was like “that’s so cool! This is totally my favorite” and from then on, Mantine is my favorite all time Pokémon, but there are lot’s of great ones.
Skyridge in PSA 10 would be IMPRESSIVE! And as a master set?
Welcome to the Fourum, @Karasu ! Glad to have you here. I hope you find it a positive and helpful community.
Welcome, @iitbandg ! Species collecting is great! And the Japanese world is awesome, so all in good time.
can always share you a link, i’ll make a discord post once i get my binder and some decent pics of my 10’s if you like
@gyuu @Vileplume @Karasu @iitbandg Welcome to the fourum!
Welcome @iitbandg! Mantine is such a graceful Pokemon! It’s a fun choice for a species collection!
Welcome! You’ll have way more fun being able to contribute… I just recently did the same after lurking for too long! Cool goals nabbing your fav pokemon… still trying to sort out what the basis of my collection will be…
Super cool to give ur collection to the nephew. I’d totally give my old one to mine as well… [insert timmys dad meme] my folks lost most of it. Prob nothing too special in it. Urs have anything notable? Or just a good way to get em started?
Hi all! We found this place from watching the video @RattlePokemon did on the playtest cards, and this looked like an informative and dedicated community of collectors. (bonus: the nostalgia of old school forums!)
About Us:
Me - I’ve been a Pokémon fan ever since I saw the anime in the late 90’s. Went to see the first movie, collected toys, shirts, plushies, etc. Sadly, I didn’t save anything from back then but never stopped loving the franchise. I actually never collected/played any cards or played the video game until the past few years. Pokémon Go got me back into it, as it did for a lot of people, I’m sure.
Him: Started collecting the cards in the late 2000’s - early 2010’s as a way to relieve boredom during the work commute. Pretty quickly became a serious collector and has been hoarding cards ever since!
Glad to be here
Welcome, @PawkemonCards ! I also rediscovered the benefit of old school forums with this site. It allows for a more granular, nuanced conversation and higher quality community, while still being more open to the general public. We’re certainly dedicated, a little crazy sometimes, but certainly a great place! Glad to have you here.
Tho, I have to wonder
So like, buying or cracking packs while driving?
I figure it’s a train ride
Welcome @PawkemonCards ! It’s always great to see people join the forum who have enjoyed Pokemon since it’s heyday. What cards are you currently collecting?
I collect Mews (it’s a high maintenance favorite Pokémon)
@PawkemonCards Welcome to the fourum!
Welcome @PawkemonCards ! I hope you enjoy the information and community here.
Welcome @PawkemonCards! Looking forward to seeing you around!
Hello! Just found this amazing forum this week and decided to make an account.
I’m Taiwanese and currently living in Japan. I played Pokémon games and watched anime when I was young, but never knew about the PTCG.
I started collecting cards last year because of the PTCGP app, and quickly fell in love with vintage cards, especially those featuring the first 151 Pokémon.
My favorite Pokémon is Psyduck—I even made a website for Psyduck when I was around 12 or 13 years old! My current goal is to collect all Psyduck cards, including the legendary Tropical Wind series.
Looking forward to sharing some PTCG things happening in Japan someday. Yoroshiku!
Welcome @TropicalPsyduck ! It’s great to have you here. There are a lot of lovely Psyduck cards to collect. I’m looking forward to seeing your collection grow.
Super welcome to @iitbandg, @PawkemonCards and @TropicalPsyduck to the forums. It is truly very amazing to have you lovely folks join in. I wish you all a wonderful time reading through and looking at collections on the forums. Also, wishing a great time talking and interacting with other lovely people on here. Looking forward to getting to know everyone better. Have an awesome time!
Fellow Psyduck fan here welcome to the fourum!