WATA vs PSA payment before grading

So I have been using PSA for years now, and they always charge me when they ship back to me.

However WATA just charged me before I even shipped to them, is that normal practise by them?

Knowing PSA and WATA are owned by same company ; Collectors
Would it not make sense they charge when they ship back to me?

Thanks in advance

Sharing the same parent company doesn’t necessarily mean their business practices are the same.

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Looking to hear from people who have used WATA

I’ve used WATA a couple years ago, I think they did charge shortly after receiving the submission.

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Probably a good deterrent from people making submissions and never actually sending the submission in. The one and only time I used WATA a few years ago, I believe I was charged early in the process.

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Thank you for your reply, I haven’t even shipped out yet, At first glance it seemed a PSA bill.