Unpopular Opinion Thread

Hence my post in the “Unpopular Opinion Thread” :blush: I’m not saying Arita or Sugimori are bad artists, definitely not, but compared to some of the artwork in later sets, Base Set is underwhelming, simple, and in some cases plain ugly. Some people might like the simplistic artwork, but I don’t.


Tpci will never compare to WOTC. You can’t even disagree.


Thee Ugliest trophy card ever given out, without a doubt would be the Kamex Mega Battle Computer Error.

The fact that the ONLY difference with the common and that is the outlining of a “R”…

The artwork is bleh to me.

That andddddd, it’s a freaking common in a set •__•

Idk maybe, maybe it’s because I grew up pulling so many of those from Rocket packs or something… But it has little value in my eyes.


Hang on lemme try

I disagree. WOTC were deliberately running Pokemon into the ground before Nintendo took over. They can be partially held accountable for the massive slump in popularity of the game during the ex series. That anddd Tcpi make some beautiful cards.

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Double disagree lol. Not sure where you heard this about WOTC intentionally running Pokemon into the ground. As I recall, WOTC was expecting to continue on when their 5 year license (1998-2003) expired. It was pulled away from them quite unexpectedly and lawsuits ensued which resulted in a large settlement.
So, because of the timeline, there was no time to run it into the ground.


Triple disagree lmao. When I say they were running it in to the ground, I mean from a competitive standpoint. They were making very underwhelming cards to make the metagame boring, in an attempt to make players switch to Magic.

Look at the crystal cards from the e series sets. Even the legendary dog pokemon, with those horrible poke-bodies. They were making unplayable cards, and they knew it.

Of course I don’t have as much authority to speak about this as you do, but it’s when I’ve read/concluded from reading a lot about the subject over the years.

We can neither give credit nor blame WOTC for the card illustrations themselves. That all originated right here in Japan.

Oh, and the FAs are ugly as sin. Whenever I see one, I think to myself, “Why is The Pokemon Company trying so hard nowadays to be like Marvel?”


You say WOTC ran it into the ground from a competitive standpoint. What did Wizards have to do with that? They neither produced the pictures or the text. All they did was translate, print, and distribute what the original Japanese cards said.


We posted at the same time. I also told Will that Wizards had nothing to do with pictures or the text as it relates to the play of the game. Of course that was all created by Media Factory in Japan.
And I agree with your FA statement:)

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I always find the divide on the Full Arts interesting, it really seems to be a love or loathe situation.

I personally love the Full Arts, compared to the regular EX cards they are just much nicer to look at with less clutter. Alas I am quite burned out from them, we have had Full Arts as the staple chase cards for almost 5 years now and they are wearing a little thin. Time for a change and I dearly hope it comes with the Pokemon Z block.

I don’t think they will get rid of Full Arts, but I want them to.


Not sure how unpopular this opinion is but ill tbrow in my 2 cents. Everything after gen 4 sucks ass and can just go away tbh. Also new ex cards are nothing short of awful and look tacky/cheap as fuck.


But how do you really feel Luke lol.

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I feel old gary… I’m just stuck in the past haha.


Ok so, of course it’s fine for you to dislike everything past Gen 4. But I am going to assume by ‘everything’ you were speaking generally. My question to you is:

Which Gen 5/6 Pokemon do you actually like? There must be at least a few.

I am going to throw away gen 4 as well on this one. That is literally where I lost interest and still 'til this day kind of ‘eh’ most pokemon cards past the 3rd gen. But on another note who is responsible for the card layout design, font, frames and color editing from base 'til license loss? Is WOTC only a printing company? @garyis2000

The design was down to media factory as a guess. Wizards edited the layout but only very very slightly for things like where the energy costs sat etc if this is the case.

Ah right. So Hasbro were designing both MTG and Pokemon right? Until Nintendo bought the rights from Wizards in what, 2002?

$.2: Pokemon TCG needs an endpoint soon. Rarity would start to impact every single set and collecting would become more exiting.

I have started to get into MTG recently because of @salmoncannon and they have cards in the current set that are about 1 per case, they are big beautiful utility cards and go for up to a couple hundred dollars. They way they run their set layouts and how the foil system works is brilliant too.


with all the sets, extras and the cost of Booster boxes I see a lot of people burnt out. How can some people afford to buy all of these cards. I’m not referring to us but the majority of the tcg community

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