Ungraded shining charizard in >VG condition price

Hello efour.
I came across a sale of a Shining charizard in english, unlimited edition for the price of 200 euros. Looking at the pictures it could very well be around a 8-9, 10 would be hard to get. Any idea how those are usually valued? Is it worth it?

Thank you in advance :slight_smile:

You can check ebay and see for yourself: www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=shining+charizard+nm&_sacat=0&LH_Sold=1&LH_Complete=1

I would NOT judge a card’s grade simply from pictures; I can almost guarantee you will be disappointed. You should judge it based on the fact that it’s raw, and whatever the description is for the card, which I’m guessing it was near mint/mint.

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Thank you for the info

It’s definitely near mint to mint yes, but I can’t make an opinion based on your link, as the listings vary a lot, some are over 200 and some are below.

Those are the sold prices of quite a few. Try to compare assumed conditions and you’ll get a good idea.


Exactly what Gary (NotZeldaGilroy) said. I did not give you a price range because only you personally saw the photos of the card, so it’s up to you to judge whether the card you’re interested in match some of the cards in the sold listing to get a price perspective on the card you’re about to purchase.

Otherwise you will have to judge the card based on raw and the fact that it is NM, in which case you just directly compare it to sold listings + perhaps the current lowest buy prices on ebay.

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