I’ve recently hopped onto the gold star train and wanted to know what you guys think is the most underrated gold star? My vote goes towards Groundon GS. Amazing artwork, and the pose is reminiscent of Rayquaza’s artwork with their claws stretched out. And you can find copies with a beautiful swirl to top it off? This card deserves more than $100ish for a raw copy IMO.
A runner up for underrated would be Alakazam. A personal favorite Mon of mine
I don’t even collect Gold Stars, but I’d have to go with Mewtwo and Alakazam. I know they’re a little more common than others, but I’m still surprised to see them go way lower than other not so popular Pokemon.
Regice. My favorite Gold Star artwork.
Gold Stars are pretty optimized, but if I had to chose I would say Espeon and Umbreon. Their release was unique, less quantity + unweighable.
In my opinion I think Suicune is one of the most underrated. The colors and artwork of that card have always been one of my favourite. I love the way it looks like it’s walking out of the card towards you and its tails (I think lol?) are coming out at you as well. Fukuda did a great job on that card. It would definitely be worth a lot more if it basically wasn’t mass produced/distributed I guess, but it’s an amazing gold star card to get still for a cheaper price than most, if not all the others.
Alakazam and Mewtwo!
I see them as a fun item but I’m not investing in any of them. By underrated I guess you meant value.
@ Gary, mind if I ask why you’re not investing in any of them?
I don’t think there is underrated gold stars, each of them has their place in 27 card collection.
Thanks for sharing a picture from my cards!
Gary isn’t the only one not heavily invested in gold stars. There’s too much social media hype surrounding these cards and more shill bids at auction that I’ve noticed for any other product.
It would not take much at all for most of these cards to drop dramatically in value. Not saying there will be another situation like the gold star dogs but I’d still advise people to be careful.
They’re must have for collectors, but if you’re just looking to invest it’s not exactly the safest investment.
Ray is the only good looking one.
The rest are overrated.
I agree with noob. Best if I leave it there.
The Gold Star dogs are doing pretty well considering their supply.
They would be worth multiple times that. You can buy them raw for about $50. Try to find mint gold stars for that price.
Even PSA 10s are $200 or less.