Uncut fossil sheet

I see three listed on ebay for the holos, but I don’t see any completed sales of this item. Do any of you have an idea what the one of these sold for in the past?

@chavycat,Any past sales would probably not be relevant now due to the price spike, but it would be a good baseline. For such a rare item it’s almost what someone is willing to pay. We know people are not willing to pay 5-7k yet or the 3 listed would have gone.

Just for some that might not be aware uncut fossil sheets are more common than any other sheet due to being given away for a promotional event at KB Toys.


@cullers,That makes sense since there are quite a few listed compared to any others. Still really cool.

What would you conservatively value for one in about near mint condition? Lets say rolled up but no bends or creases.

Idk ask nesquest09, www.ebay.com/itm/POKEMON-CARDS-Fossil-Uncut-SHEET-110-holos-Rare/303572483621?hash=item46ae547e25:g:qIEAAOSwkelexB~S

I would calculate the worth as counting the holos in nm and adding $100 for the novelty that they are all stuck together and that’s the worth.

110 holos.
Recently sold for fossil english holos in near mint is averaging £8 GBP.

£880 + novelty they are stuck together and rounding it up = £1000 GBP

So I value a near mint/mint sheet at £1000 GBP / $1275 USD

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People who sell “Square Cuts” reading this now:


@cullers,That ^^^ is hilarious. Well done sir!

Over in the Magic The Gathering world there are some who can both cut sheets and trim corners appropriately. I don’t know how much it costs per sheet but the cards are out there and pass muster.

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