Umbreon V Play! Pokémon Prize Pack Series One - value?

I came across the Umbreon from the Play! Series One on Cardmarket.
The Play! cards are just online at CM and I see not many cards available.
Are they that rare?
@ CM they are mostly availaible in foreign languages, and if in English, they are preeeeettty expensive.

I’d like to snatch this Umbreon:

She is asking around 82 eu incl shipping
(Portugal to The Netherlands)
Is this a fair price?
Since CM doesn’t have a lot of that set online yet, so there is nothing yet to compare…
Sorry if this is a stupid question, but if i could keep some euro’s in my (non-existing, womanly ) pockets that would be nice. TIA!
xo Shinyumbreon

they are pretty scarce at the moment but more will enter the marketplace in the near future.
honestly i’d say it’s a somewhat fair price depending on the condition.

but i’d also expect them to come down.


That is too pricey. Umbreon V is under $30 in the states. I would be glad to help middle man one for you


A friend of mine who collects the English pop and play promos has imported some from the US, but she found out they were pretty much just released in Europe in English. The situation over here is like the situation in the US on steroids. With the release of prize pack 2 (likely with a similar delay as series 1) which includes this same card, the price will likely come down.

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Ah that’d be amazing!
I don’t mind paying a good (yet reasonable) amount for a card, but I had the feeling that this is just a overhyped card and that the prices would drop in a month or so, so i had a feeling i needed to check with y’all!

Makes total sense!
I’ll leave this specific moonfoxkitty right where he is for now

And by the way, love your profilepic. Cuuuuuute

i guess that was one thing the ex-gf did right then! :beers: :joy_cat:

and yeah it’s probably wise to leave it for now, unless you can acquire raw cards in psa 10 quality.

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Whoops - That took a unexpected turn.
She also left you some cards, or? :thinking:

This thread made me realise there is another Battle Styles houndoom variant within the Play Prize Packs, so thanks :smiley: Best of luck with your card hunt


If you see any Pikachu V for under 100 USD, lmk. :slight_smile: No need to be a middleman, since I already have one for the US, but I can currently only find them for 300+ USD, which is way too high.


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I checked sold listings, there have been quite a few under $100. One should pop up for you soon enough.


I tagged you in a comment a few hours ago! Did you see?? I found one online! (Dutch marketplace!)

I believe quuador is looking for one for a cheaper price, the one you found had the usual 300$ price tag :slight_smile:

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That makes perfect sense!
I thought he said that “even 300 would be okay” hah, but could be wrong :slight_smile:
300 is a lot of money alright…

The “300 would be okay” was for the other League stamped SwSh Pikachu from Worlds 2022. :slight_smile: The Pikachu V is slightly easier to find, but unfortunately the cheaper ones seems to sell out pretty quickly. If you see one of those Pikachu V for <125 USD, lmk. :wink:



Woohoo! Update!
They have a r r i v e d

Thanks again @eeveeteam!


Finally, a play Umbreon that doesn’t cost $75K+ !

