The New Giant Deal Thread

Seller also has zero feedback and account created as of August 25, 2022.

There have been a ton of these zero feedback, newly created accounts auctioning high-end items as of late. I would err on the side of caution with these.


Yeah… I wouldn’t touch that with a 20" pole. If it is legit, that is awesome. Too many red flags though. The wrap actually doesn’t look half bad, but the box appears to have wear/small tear on the bottom left corner, suggesting a probable reseal. …with a game that high-ticket, a reasonable person would send that to get graded/certified prior to selling.


There are many 0 feedback sellers scraping pictures of expensive sales. For all you know, the item that they’re showcasing is 100% authentic. Whether they own the item and will ship it to you is another story… :eyes:


Are reseals a common thing with sealed games like that? I feel like it wouldn’t be a worthwhile thing for scammers to even bother with given that the contents aren’t worth that much without the box/seal.

Yeah, it isn’t a re-seal as much as it is taking an existing good-condition game box and sealing it to look like it is brand new. Happens all the time. It is actually rampant with video games right now, especially Game Boy and N64 games.


Ah, gotcha. That makes a lot more sense. Probably pretty low risk, too, since (unlike Pokemon boxes) no one is opening vintage video games at this point.


Handful of Base Set Blastoise errors/variants being sold tomorrow.

Red Dot Error:

Stage Error:

In addition to those two, there is also a 1999-2000 Copyright (4th Print) Blastoise being sold too:

Thanks, this makes a lot of sense. Really a shame if it actually is fake because the description is nicely thought out. But that could also be part of the scam.

All in all, seems too good to be true.


Pretty reasonable PSA 9 Crystal Lugia. Probstein attempted to auction this twice, so I imagine it was shilled and nobody purchased it. This is now their attempt to sell it as a BIN with offers.

For context on the prior auctions:

There are people selling psa 9 crystal lugia on various facebook group for $2300 USD OBO

$2600 USD on ebay from Probstein is still way too high imo.

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Definitely on the higher side, but it is a newer cert, very clean (i.e., look at the PSA scans), and has a partial swirl :smile:. Somewhere, someone might pay a premium for that trifecta.

If you can find a trustworthy person on Facebook, you should go ahead and jump on that price. Anything $2,000-2,300 would be great.

From approx one month ago. Strong 9, new certificate, $2130 all in. But yeah definitely agreed, it is a beautiful card so maybe to someone who can’t wait, $2600 isn’t that far off.

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And because Probstein attempted to sell this twice before, I’m sure that they’re open to offers.

$2600 seemed reasonable to me, too, but markzkong is correct that they have been transacting closer to $2000 recently. I find it really interesting that Crystal Lugia retraced a TON from its peak, but Crystal Ho-Oh seemingly hasn’t retraced at all. Ho-Oh and Lugia auctions are currently ending at around the same prices – but at the peak, Lugia was consistently selling for 1.5-2x the price of Ho-Oh.

Kind of off-topic – just a bizarre thing I noticed.


I’ve found this interesting too. And Crystal Ho-Oh is far rarer on the auction websites than Crystal Lugia. These past three months, I’ve seen 10 PSA 9 Crystal Lugia sales.

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I didn’t realize it, but Lugia has almost double the PSA 9 pop of Ho-Oh (208 for Ho-Oh vs. 382 for Lugia).

But they’ve each had identical PSA 9 pop growth over the past year (~18%), so I still don’t understand why they’ve had such different price trajectories.

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And Crystal Ho-Oh PSA 9 has some crazy variability.

Two Weeks Apart:

Sold $2,340 on 8/14/22

Sold $1,560 on 7/31/22

I was particularly upset by the 8/14 sale. I thought I would have it for sure, and was willing to pay several hundred dollars over recent comps for that specific copy, but I had to step away. :upside_down_face:


These don’t pop up often. Not for me, but would be a good vintage piece for someone’s collection.

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Is this pre-eBay, or do you think this is a result of the acquisition?