The most forgettable gen 3 Pokémon?

Ditto tot his. The first Gameboy game I got was Ruby, and I don’t remember using Kecleon. Most forgettable.

Have had this discussion with my friends before and I always say Grumpig.
Mons like chimecho or volbeat are forgettable, but they do get shown off throughout the gen. One of Jame’s main Pokemon in the anime was Chimecho, while Volbeat and Illumise are used by plenty of trainers and in Volbeat’s case its an illuminator if you’re shiny hunting. Grumpig however, is the evolution of a Pokémon that is only found in one area of the game (the Jagged Pass), which you only need to go to once in RS that can easily be breezed right through without even seeing a Spoink. It is also not used by any notable trainers in the game, with sparring anime appearances and a modest card count.

The only ones that come close are Huntail and Gorebyss which are much harder to obtain and also have no trainer use, but the ease of finding a Clamperl in all dive grass locations gives the line a bit more exposure to me, though having to do the whole abandoned ship quest to get the item then trade it is definitely a feat I’m sure most trainers didn’t stumble upon easy so it may just be them.


Probably these 2 for me, but @trainerjack makes a good case about Grumpig. I liked Spoink a lot when I played the games so I definitely remember the piggies personally.

All the people saying Nincada :sob: :sob: :sob:


Nincada deserves to be remembered if for no other reason than frustrating new trainers who had nincada on their team first playthrough and it evolved with a full team in party

For me it’s probably Relicanth.


I do agree with some of the others mentioned as standalone Pokémon, like Huntail/Gorebyss or Illumise/Volbeat or Barboach/Whiscash, but I’d probably remember either of the two in the pairs, and then remember the other. Feebas and Glalie are fairly forgettable to me as well, but I’ll likely remember Snorunt and I’d defintely remember Milotic, and from there remember their evolved/pre-evolved forms respectively.

Relicanth on the other hand is a standalone Pokémon that doesn’t evolve from nor into another, nor is there a Pokémon it relates to in the Pokédex order. And its design is also pretty forgettable overall imo.



This is a good answer! To add onto this, you only had a 5% chance of encountering it underwater in the games plus it doesn’t have many TCG cards. I also don’t think it had much relevance competitively.

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My only pushback against this is you specifically needed relicanth for unlocking the regis. Otherwise a completely forgettable mon


I completely forgot about that. (Which is on theme with the thread)

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True, it’s always been competitively lackluster.

And adding to your point about the 5% encounter rate, it also has an abysmal catch rate of 25. So unless you really like Relicanth, you won’t revisit that unpleasant experience after getting the one you need for the Regis.


´Feebas and Glalie are fairly forgettable to me as well, but I’ll likely remember Snorunt and I’d defintely remember Milotic, and from there remember their evolved/pre-evolved forms respectively.´

Also the Ice-type trainer in the elite four uses two Glalie. It´s pretty recognizable. There are only two Ice-type evolution lines.