The Giant Professional Grading Thread

I read that some of us put some duds in their submissions to make the other cards shine more.
What kind of duds do you use? PSA 7-8?PSA 5-6? or flaws with similar damage but heavier than the card you want to make shine?
Oh and how many are you putting in?

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I wondered how much does score creep play a role. The grades are subjective so it’s makes sense that graders would be affected by various biases, in this case anchoring bias, as they go through a submission

I don’t necessarily put duds in the listing, but I do try and order from worst to best, so that each card progressively looks better than the last.


I still don’t understand why some people don’t separate vintage and modern

I 100% do this. I have 3 different sub piles.


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Generally I break my submission like this:
Vintage English
Vintage Japanese

If I’m grading multiple copies of a card…I go worst quality to best.

I never put Japanese first in a submission if I’m mixing English/Japanese. My tinfoil hat reasoning is that generally Japanese cards are higher quality/grade easier and seeing English after may give them a “let down” effect

Does an autographed card go with a regular bulk submission/special, and they just upcharge it, or does it need to be submitted separately?

Is planting duds, ordering, and breaking up submissions the grading equivalent of astrology?

I do not seperate vintage/modern or order my submissions in any particular way. I haven’t found it to have any measurable impact on my grading results.

As a recent example, my last submission was 30% vintage, 70% modern. The modern portion of the submission received 90% 10s. I wasn’t seeking 10s on the vintage so not worth calling out that side.


Hello, could I get some advice regarding authenticating autographs? I’ve sent in some some cards for dual grading/authentication before but they all featured recognised/graded before signatures. However what would the process be for one that hasn’t been graded before and does not show up in the PSA database? It’s from someone who infrequently signs, and there are only a couple of old ungraded (shikishi/non-tcg items) examples online. However I’ve video proof of the signing if necessary.

Would submitting a PSA research request as is done with cards suffice, or would there be an avenue with the DNA side of things to go through? I plan to submit the card for grading and have the autograph authenticated.


Get ahead of the curve, contact PSA and let them know your current situation.

As for a brand new signer being added, you might need more than a video to help. Can you provide any photos of the event? Anything posted to Twitter showing they were signing somewhere? Evidence of them at another event? If it’s not a known artist, you’ll also need proof that the person in the video, is who you say they are. (If an artist no one has ever seen before signed cards for you, how do you prove that person is who you say it is).

Hope this helps!


Is the logic in this so the grader doesn’t shift drastically in quality/look of cards?

Did they hire someone yet who can grade a Kimiya Masago auto? I got inconclusive last time

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Yeah but it’s just a conspiracy theory. But I can’t see any positives at all by mixing them. Except the separate shipping fee saved. But it’s like modern/vintage & jpn/English quality are just way different

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Very true! I just started submitting more so this is something to keep in mind. Thank you

No worries. Yeah I could be wrong but just like with sub grades, adding them can only lead to more scrutiny not less. So why bother if you’re trying to get the best grade

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I have no idea who the current person grading autos is and I don’t know what their background is with autos. :man_shrugging:

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:pensive::pensive: all I can do is send again I guess lol

Hey all!
When submitting a not so obvious error card to CGC for error designation, do I include a note to point it out?

How subtle is it?

It’s this one, the misaligned black layer. It’s pretty subtle, but noticeable enough when you know what you’re looking for haha.

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