日本のマーケット部分 The Giant Japanese Market Thread

It went for a very similar price to the Zoroark last month which was a $1k card 18 months ago. So from $1k to $4.5k, for cards which do require specialist knowledge to gauge the significance of (unlike a Base Charizard), in a year and a half seems like a decent increase


@sparky55603 , I think I remember that. It was in Patreon last year but it was a Patron(or maybe just an E4 member) who traded a Charizard unlimited PSA 9 for a 2010 Illustration card, and he said that he would make the trade because the Charizard is popular and common but the Illustration card is rare.

I do find the Kindergarten artwork to be the less desirable of the 2010 cards. Am I alone in this? That may impact the price, as these cards are fundamentally all about artwork and rarity.

What I also find interesting is this 2009 3rd grade Arceus. Its a pop 5 overall. Which is a fraction of the 2010 card’s population. The 2009 cards always seem to come for sale by small time sellers and sit in a quiet corner on ebay.


I sold a PSA 9 unlimited Charizard for $1100 recently. I would rather have had $4500


This is the Giant Auction Thread, let’s post general “is Pokemon crashing” discussion in the Giant Market Thread.



It wasn’t really a discussion if pokemon is crashing. I know it isn’t but I should rephrase from “everything seems to be down” to “it it seems illustration cards are underperforming from their estimates”. I say this because the only other PSA 10 Zorua card for sale before this is the second grade one for $20,000. I don’t think it’s too irrational to say the cards aren’t hitting what their current estimates are. That’s also not to take away from the cards overall growth either because I know they are still up from 2 years ago. Also it was an auction so I think the post is alright being on here instead of giant english thread.



Every time one of my BIN items sells on ebay I question why I ever auction stuff. I got an offer for a card over the weekend and quickly looked up last solds, and the offer was 15% higher than the last auction price (a TCA Gaming auction at that, which usually commands a premium for some reason.) Feels like unless the card is extremely rare and you hardly ever see them for sale, letting things sit at high prices with OBO is just free money.


Ur not wrong I only do BIN after some bad auctions and I’ve never looked back since


No worries, perhaps I should have been more clear. The Giant Auction Thread is for posting interesting auctions that you think other E4 members may be interested in, and discussing those auctions. It’s not for discussing the general market, e.g. “illustration cards underperforming” or “cards overall growth.” You’re commenting on the ending price and the market performance, which is why we have dedicated market threads.

Further posts on this topic should go in those threads.


@fourthstartcg, thanks for clarification


It was me, Scott had said in the video that I traded an unlimited PSA 9 Zard for a PSA 10 Zorua Illustrator, but the trade was actually different.

I traded a psa 9 1st edition Dark Charizard for a PSA 10 of this Zorua

still very very happy with that trade, and it’s one of my favorite cards


@fourthstartcg, the more you know


I think they have a knowledge barrier. Art Academy cards, which are almost identical in every way are more known. Where these fly under the radar, even for some serious collectors.


I think what might hold them back besides knowledge and exposure is that they are not completely unique, in that Zorua & Zoroark in each one are pre-drawn. Again it’s more of the “one of a line of cards” feeling and less “one and done”. Also I personally find most AA artwork more appealing, although the artwork made by kids has its own charm of course.


I almost categorize the zorua/zoroark cards art acadmey cards cuz like you said they’re essentially the same thing. I Think they’re incredible with a big reason being the crayon and childish designs. What I don’t understand is knowledge barrier. I mean if art academy is so well known why wouldn’t these cards be? I still also stand by my statement that this specific card underperformed. I know I know it’s better off than it was 2-3 years ago but If we are talking compared to BIN prices this card was a steal. there are only 2 psa 10s for sale a zoroark 3rd grade for $8k and the second grade Zorua for $20,000. It’s not unrealistic to say the Zorua won’t reach that price eventually. I think it’ll even surpass it but I’m just shocked it went for as low as it did when comparing to the only PSA 10 BIN being 5 times what it sold for. But looking past this, what does this mean for the 3 PSA 9s for sale currently? They’re sitting at around $6k rn but does that mean they’re currently valued well below even that? With the PSA 10 selling for what it did I don’t see these being sold any time soon at least with their current prices. Could be a good time to get one for any collector interested.

@smpratte, was this your own personal one or a consignment? and if it is yours what is your reason for selling it rn versus in the future or even a year ago when the market was hotter.


I almost disagree, of course some AA cards like the umbrella one have their own uniqueness but some just seem like cards a professional drew. That’s not taking away from how awesome all of the cards are it just seems to me the Zorua cards are a true illustration contest that capture the essence of what the kids see. It almost takes me back to when I would doodle pokemon as a kid and in my eyes it takes us as close as we can to the true heart of the hobby, the kids who love the cards and pokemon for what they are and not anything ab0ut money or rareness.


Maybe the release year played a role. AA came out when pokemon was more popular, and people talked about them from the beginning until now. Where the Zorua/zoroak, and pichu/arceus contest released during a slower time, and they didn’t have anywhere near the consistent exposure of AA.


I agree. The AA cards are an easier set to start collecting. You can buy one and be “one and done” because the art is very individual and stands alone. The design contest cards can be an intimidating set to collect as you need to buy 10 of the cards to complete it (feels awkward to own just one), which probably discourages people from collecting in the first place.


Another Zoroark design contest card in psa 10 auctioned for $2750 on eBay. What a steal. Probably not the best time to auction these cards…


Not to sound like an ass but 99.9999% of people dont even know what a design contest pokemon card is. Of the .0001% that does know what it is, im sure only another .01% can afford to pay $2750. Taking those numbers into mind i think that its an awesome price, for a buyer and a seller. Could it be more, has it been more, sure, but theres always a limit.


Is there a link to it? I can’t find it under sold.