The Giant English Market Thread

It’s funny to me too because McDonald’s sets have always been generally undesirable (outside of Japan) because they are just reprints of commons/nonholos.

Even in 2021 when people were scalping the McDonald’s cards - no one cares for them today lol.

When we get the Eevee x Grimace crossover card, that’s when I’ll pay attention.


Muk and grimace are cousins aren’t they?

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This is just something the European mind can not comprehend.


I don’t think US minds comprehend it either. It’s just sad.


200$ Profit stonk! as american as it gets


We really are in 2021 again, wild. Also, hilarious. Meanwhile at my target I got yelled at for trying to buy two. Good thing I got some online.

Just wait for the videos to emerge Friday from Walmart if these tins end up having evolving skies, it WILL be worse

Heh, the more things change, the more they stay the same. Makes me feel nostalgic for those South Park Black Friday episodes.

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It sounds like a sketch until about 8 seconds in.

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I don’t think there’s gonna be any in store. They’d have released on the same day like target did. Everyone just is bullish on 2025 SV sets they wanna clear out the toxic swsh back stock.

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Idk, people are still finding these black Friday tins at Walmart. And customer service is saying they’ll be available in store Friday. We shall see, I got some online so mostly going to record the mayhem

I’m surprised to see how cheap amazing rares are just now, around 20-25% of what they were 3-4 years ago

It just shows how terrible of an investment singles can turn out to be when the hype moves on to something else

These were standout cards to me and I still like them


If society is only three meals away from revolution, how many booster boxes would it take?

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Yeah, buying singles is gambling, especially with modern cards I feel (let´s say Sw/Sh onwards). With vintage I do think there is a certain point (pretty much the point where it is at now) where prices will not drop a lot lower because the ratio of POP´s vs the people that actually want that card is healthy.


In general you should never invest in brand new modern set cards. There’s just too much noise and hype most of the time, which prevents an organic entrance position early on. ARs had lots of initial hype, but even several sets later they were comparatively lame. This cycle happens more often than you’d think.