Technical bug reports/issues thread

Just saw this

111 unread but only 101 replies total. Not sure why it’s happening but it only seems to be for this post.

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Got a few HTTP 429 (Too many requests) errors this morning.

I usually go to the Latest tab, and open all unread threads in loose browser tabs, to then read them one by one and close them again. Thus far this has always worked fine, and right now it does again, but this morning I got some HTTP 429 errors after opening just a couple pages and while still in the process of opening the rest. And the first Like/Upvote I tried to do on the first tab also didn’t work (since hitting Like is obviously also a loose request to the server).

PFM asked me to post it here in case someone else has/had similar issues (recently).

Additional info:

  • Device: Desktop
  • Operating system: Windows 10 (64 bits)
  • Browser: Google Chrome (up-to-date version 107.0.5304.107)
  • When did it start: this morning (European time - I think it was around 09:00-10:00 CET / UTC+1)
  • How frequently does it occur: just this once so far, on all but the first five tabs I’ve opened (I opened around 20 or so, so not a crazy amount)

Since it didn’t happen again later today, I assume it was just a one time hick-up. :person_shrugging: I’ll edit this post should it happen again.



Sorry for the extended downtime. I was trying to update the site but then compatibility issues in the sprite plugin and the custom user links plugins were preventing the site from rebuilding.

I have found the problem and it is fixed. I have to take the site down again to rebuild it for the sprites to come back Done.

In the meantime, the new update provides a new icon when you have a message vs any other kind of notification:



The site is slow as you might be able to tell. It looks like a problem with the cloud provider. It should fix itself soon.

Sorry for the inconvenience


My color scheme resets to Light from Dark each morning. Is this a bug or something that I can permanently fix? It’s a new error, just happened a few days ago.


The light/dark mode toggle was recently updated. I had to change it back on each device but it stayed for me after the one time.

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It’s definitely related to the update. It’s not a plugin I wrote so the author has updated it. I might just roll it back to the old version

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This would be sweet! I once tried to implement a system-time-based theme change on my personal website… Just a thought. lol.

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IOS & Android

SE & Galaxy S21+

The slight offset between columns is normal because the images are probably slightly different sizes. The right side clipping is a css issue that I’m aware of and will be fixed when I roll out a future feature. Thanks for letting me know though

I don’t mind trying this as long as there is a decent number of people that would benefit


The image cutting off issue should be fixed now. I can only test on my phone but it works

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Is this still an issue for you?

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Yes, every morning. I think it syncs with my computer’s Night Shift setting.

I think you are probably right. I see this code was added

    return window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)").matches
      ? "dark"
      : "light";

It’s tough because it doesn’t seem to be doing the “wong” thing because it’s just following your browser’s/OS preferences. I can definitely override it though. I think the light/dark toggle is currently unstable as they are changing a lot in the code to improve it (also why it went from a switch design to a button)

I don’t mind modifying the code to override this behavior but I think it’s better to wait for the the whole plugin to be stable first if you’re ok to wait for this

PS. if you ONLY want dark mode at all times you could also just set both light and dark palettes to be “Dark E4” in your preferences


Thanks, @pfm! I’m sure that this will fix the problem. Before “Regular” was set to Light E4.

Screen Shot 2022-12-12 at 11.43.37 AM


Looks like tables don’t work as they’re built with markdown and I’m guessing the forum expects a different format. Tried to make a buylist table for my buy thread and the table editor itself worked well but the output doesn’t render correctly.

see here: Manny's Porygon Buylist

To reproduce: Use cog icon => Insert Table => Build Table


You’ll want to make sure that you use three dashes like this | - - - | - - - | - - - |

Your table currently reads: |— | — | —|

Like such:
Screen Shot 2022-12-12 at 2.53.15 PM

Recreation of your table:

Card PSA 10 Price PSA 10 Pop as of 12/12/2022
Team Rocket Unlimited $50 5
Gym Challenge Unlimited $50 15
Aquapolis 103a - Reverse Foil $200 8
Aquapolis 103b $50 14
Aquapolis 103b - Reverse Foil $200 3
Fire Red Leaf Green $50 5
Unseen Forces $50 2
Delta Species $50 2
Great Encounters $50 0
Great Encounters - Reverse Foil $75 0
Triumphant $50 0
Triumphant - Reverse Foil $75 0
Plasma Blast $50 0
Plasma Blast - Reverse Foil $50 0
Ancient Origins $40 0
Ancient Origins - Reverse Foil $75 0
Evolutions $40 10
Burning Shadows $40 7
Burning Shadows - Reverse Foil $75 0
Unbroken Bonds #154 $40 3
Unbroken Bonds #154 - Reverse Foil $75 1
Unbroken Bonds #155 - Reverse Foil $75 0
Chilling Reign $40 0
Chilling Reign - Reverse Foil $75 0
Lost Origin $40 0
Lost Origin - Reverse Foil $75 0

Thank you! That indeed fix it, but it seems like table editor still is outputting bad markup, eg this one I just created with dummy data:

|Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | Column 4|

|— | — | — | —|

|sdsadas | sdasda | sdasd | sdasd|
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |

Is it always creating 4 columns and 6 rows despite the dimensions that you enter? That’s the problem that I’m getting… and it must be on the back end so I am of no help. :upside_down_face:

Oops, I wasn’t using the Tab and Enter feature correctly. I am not sure that I understand your specific bug.

The 4 columns/6 rows is just the default table it gives you, which actually does seem to render correctly if it’s empty:

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4

But as soon as you add any data it outputs bad markup:

|Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | Column 4|

|— | — | — | —|
|some text | more text | even more text | final text|
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |

Does seem like something wrong in the editor code itself.