Show Off Your Error Cards Megathread!

Epic. Charizard everywhere :wink:

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Minor miscut, look at the right on the front or the left on the back

Unlimited Dark Dragonite no holo error, Squirtle art is just soothing to look at, Poliwhirl has a repeating diamond pattern on the foil layer peeling and obstructing going diagonally, Brigette is no texture, and a WOTC yellow filler card. The ungraded HF promo I submitted sealed to prove it wasnt tampered at all but apparently that didnt matter.


Pulled this texture shift the other day :slight_smile: .


Slowly adding to my “No Shimmer/No Sparkle” error collection. Here’s a BGS 8 Fossil 1st Edition Moltres. Looking forward to cracking it out and submitting to PSA.


Double Foil Print Umbreon with an Italian Charizard “VASTRO” printed on it


Texture Shift Hau from Guardians Rising⬆️


Zamazenta and Zacian Double Errors!

The two do share the same errors, so let me focus on what’s different. The Zamazenta showcases the off center inverted texture of Flying Pikachu V, while the Zacian actually has the off center inverted texture of Zamazenta!

As stated previously, aside from the difference in Pokémon on the texture, the two cards share the same errors. The front of the card is off center, with the previous stated texture being inverted. Lastly, both cards backs are also inverted while maintaining to be properly aligned.


How are you doing this? You always got something dope for Misprint Monday :flex:


I couldn’t get a CGC rep to tell me what resources they use to verify rare variants or under-documented errors. It’s very frustrating to me that they made their name verifying unverifiable test prints and mystery cards but won’t put their name on comparatively more mundane variants and errors.

Let me know if you ever make any headway on that because they totally stonewalled me.


Thanks for the info. Im waiting on a response from them so hopefully they are at minimally receptive to any kind of proof at all but Im also expecting to be stonewalled.

Here’s my public thread where I discussed it with a support moderator: Trying to get a rare variant recognized - Ask CGC Trading Cards - CGC Comic Book Collectors Chat Boards

Reading it back to myself now I think I sound a bit like a jerk. I was awfully annoyed. But it is what it is. The moderator really just couldn’t assist me, which is not their fault.

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This was painful to read. Why won’t they do it?

“Please note, this does not necessarily mean that the card is a fake or alerted. It means that our graders could not say for certain it was.”

By this logic surely every single misprint/error could be disregarded because there is no way to say for certain that someone didn’t alter it. Were you at the factory the day it was printed?

The irony is, if you managed to somehow master the impossible and create a silver stamping machine, you could make loads and raise popular awareness of the silver stamp in the community. I’m sure they’d verify it then!

Let me know how this progresses, would love to see a slab that recognises it.

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I dont think you were a jerk in your response. Luckily for my card, there are people who intentionally made it that can attest to its likely authenticity. Unfortunately it is difficult to find a way to get beyond the canned customer support responses to someone who will answer as a person. I find that the most frustrating part is that once you get a response it feels like they really do stonewall you and nothing you can do will be enough despite having examples and proof.

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I have a sinking suspicion it’s because it isn’t mentioned on Bulbapedia. I hate this because the idea that Bulbapedia is the end-all be-all reference for an institution like CGC really diminishes my faith and respect for the brand. If my own documentation doesn’t count because I didn’t update some ad-choked wiki page with a single sentence then I’m pretty disillusioned.


I was able to update something on my own on Bulbapedia. I added the H next to the stars on Espeon and Umbreon for this set because it wasn’t called out as holos.


It’s a slippery slope, but create an editor account and hack away :slight_smile:


Are their backs upside down as well by any chance? Very cool to see these, since I’ve seen both a Surfing Pikachu V and Flying Pikachu V with upside down Zamazenta V holofoil (and upside down back and miscut) before. :slight_smile:

Not mine unfortunately :frowning: , but here a picture:



Pulled this little guy yesterday. What is that “bite mark”? It really looks like a bite mark…
I also have a terribly cut card and i keep it at the last page of binder. Now I added this one to that page and thinking of just filling it up as i (hopefully NOT!) keep getting those haha

I would say they’re definitely from the same sheet yes! Very cool too see.

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These might be the most niche errors you’ll ever see

These are reverse holo German Flashfire cards missing the reverse holo pattern (see below)

Correct English version vs mirror holo German

These came from a side event at a German tournament. Apparently they gave out packs to build decks from and the reverses were missing the energy patterns. The one guy I got them from ended up noticing and trading for whatever he could get and then sold them all to me. I haven’t seen others like it. I find it hard to believe these are the only ones but obviously they are not easy to come by