Show Off Your Error Cards Megathread!

Amazing Ink Blot Delcatty ex


Hi all this will be my first post looking through the forum so far i really am just a small fish in the pond amongst all you here you all have some amazing collections and i have really enjoyed watching and seeing your posts on the forum.

A little about me

I did play TCG my favourite deck was Mega Houndoom, Special Fire Energy Ho-OH combo.

My top 6 Pokemon would have to be Houndoom,Gengar,Celebi,Sceptile,Ho-oh, Solrock but it’s hard to choose i also like zoroark,steelix,ninetales,electabuzz,charizard.

like a lot of you pokemon was introduced to me young on christmas day getting my first base starter machamp box i kept my 1st machamp sealed to this day. My brothers and I collected until around the end of the team rocket.

I myself rekindled around 2013 after buying a 1st ed fossil booster box. Mainly collecting sealed product and cards that peek my interest such as errors or sets i like or if i feel something stands to last down the line.

I do sell on ebay mostly ungraded at current some of my past sales include Complete WOTC Black Star w/sealed Lucky Stadium.

I have a few weirdo’s that i think you will all like to see.

  1. Evolutions Full Holo Bleed Ninetales this card is insanely beautiful the picture does not do it justice i wasn’t sure if i could upload a Video GIF which does show it’s beauty real time, this will have to do for now it is completely covered shines through sleeve and toploader.
  2. The ‘purple poliwhirl’ seemingly unique but i wasn’t sure how commonly the error occurs i have noticed a lot of colour variation in XY Evolution and the set interests me alot let me know what you think.
  3. The Full Holo Bleed Jolteon Holo from Ancient Origins (Not a reverse)

*Regarding the Full Evolutions Holo Bleeds yes they exist and i feel i should mention my thoughts i am simply sharing an opinion one in which i am still battling with… i am not certain that these are just ‘normal’ ink related printing ‘accidentals’ my reasons for this are colour changes extremely dramatically in some cases becoming much darker in later prints when you examine multiple versions of the same card you see what i can only describe as progression/testing or dare i say /correction perhaps trying to rid bleed. /Full Bleed
/No Bleed.
Especially on cards like Ninetales & Charizard (which early on are almost pinkish red in colour) but again change drastically to more red later on.

Full bleeds seem to occurr in early prints how many sheets like this i don’t know but they are stunning. Full Bleed cards themselves,the central pokemon,the holo and the text are what i describe as crispy, fresh, very clean outstanding, printed well.

The holofoil behind can have a very luminous green to it, the evolution box (if the card has one) is usually light grey no shadow in the corners), and the ‘shadowless border’ can be very faint and almost non existent again in some cases.

I could go into theories here and mention the possibility of a repeating history and or realisation of a potential business strategy through the power of an error or something bad/good.

For example the first Base Set Shadowless may not have been purposeful but it sure did alot for the company in terms of hype and well collectors i mean some of us sit on a small fortune because of these errors so why do we pretend like they are of no interest got to think smart, errors are mysterious when something changes it becomes even more interesting and sought after no matter how small or large and despite whatever reasons you have for it being that way.

But saying that makes me think so why would they if intentional or if it’s even a thing at all ? perhaps to keep hype within a community and the company in the limelight itself, keep people interested for another 20 years, if something works the first time you just do it again right…why not 20 years later ? a fairly unexpected release rushed 20th anniversary base set remake with no real flashy secret rares right before S&M drops, lets just drop some errors…strategic…

me and a friend purchased 3 booster boxes on release and on closer inspection 1 of his boxes must of had full bleeds because some of his holo’s are covered fully they are beautiful to look at you can’t stop looking especially darker cards like Nidoking/Gyarados/Clefairy.

All the best guys thanks for reading hope i didn’t offend anyone look forward to hearing your thoughts, and findings heck maybe i even helped somehow. Happy hunting :grin:

Not a card but I thought this might still fit in here as it is an error.

Error coffee creamers anyone? Super OC printed creamer lids!

Obviously the one on the left is the correct one.

There is a ton in the box that are like this, with varying degrees of OCness. In the 8 years I have been at my work, I have never seen an error box of coffee creamers. Extremely rare! Let me know if anyone wants any, I can snag some and would be willing to trade for cards.

Have a swell day everyone!


Hi @exiledcrab ! Thank you for your thoughts on this idea. I think it would be incredibly exciting if the process you described WAS the case, especially in early prints of the WOTC era. That being said, the problem we run into as collectors is that we typically need some kind of verification that can show that as indisputable fact. Either official word by a verified WOTC employee, sheets that show the order of test print runs, etc. This is in large part what our base is built from - collecting and sharing information.

Either way, I enjoyed your thoughts. Would love a WOTC Base Set full holo bleed Gyarados though I do have an XY Evolutions that I should probably share here at some point.

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There is a full PSA 9 Fossil cosmos holo set floating around somewhere. They are very few and far between, but I know a handful of people who have them.


Totally agree confirmation is a big deal, can’t expect to have that anytime soon. I guess instinct is important aswell and a keen eye. The cards do have a story to tell . Yes you should share it ! I would love to see that. If anyone is struggling to capture bleed (or even see it) with a camera. Try these steps

.1.Lay your card flat, shine light over it, not on it.

other methods

.2.hold the card in your hand angle it back slightly move phone light across the card and hope you see it sparkle elsewhere other than the center holo.

.3. Repeat step 2 until you see sparkle hold it there and move the card in a circular motion in your hand.

If it’s Full Bleed you should just see it right away without any of this.

If it’s a bleed and you want a picture try to hold your camera lens at the same height and angle that your eyes see it. or record a video with flashlight on repeat step 2 & 3 watch pause and screenshot video for good result.

Lightbox does not work well.

Diffused light is better in this case.

The app i used to upload photo’s was called’photo uploader from google store’

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Nice! I enjoyed seeing your errors that Full Bleed Zard has to be my fave though ! was it a pull or purchase ? :open_mouth:

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more errors please.

I dont know if this is an error or not but it looks like a weird misprint poke ball ink thing lol and apparently it still got a psa 9



Going through this thread and some posts reminded me of a pack I opened a few years a go…
Not sure what happened to this burning shadows pack but all the cards in there apart from one in the middle had this damage. (I opened the pack straight from a Necrozma Tin and the wrapper was uneffected) strange…

I thought to myself thank God I didn’t pull the Charizard haha

Pulled these two out of some bulk I was going through today. The Hyper Devolution Spray has an alignment dot visible, which I thought was really cool.


Forgot about this i pulled a few years a go. Looks like a Holo ink drop which i thought was pretty cool :blush: Anyone seen this before?

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I’ve posted these on discord, check 'em.

Check out my error cards?

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Shining Legends Entei GX print error! It looks like something obstructed it both before and after the initial white ink layer. I’ve never seen anything like it.


What’s the deal with the cosmo holo pattern?

Hehe 1st Edition Aerodactyl Pre Release! Nice Keep those errors coming.

I think this has been rubbed w/acetone >.<