Set of the Fortnight #23 - S&M Crimson Invasion

On request of @aquaz we have the S&M Crimson Invasion set this time:

S&M Crimson Invasion
Favorite cards in the setWorst cards in the setHow you feel about this set in general
The fifth Sun & Moon era set (fourth if we exclude Shining Legends like Bulbapedia seems to do). This set mainly focuses on the Ultra Beasts and Silvally. As with all the Sun & Moon sets, loads of Ultra and Secret Rares were added. The set has a total of 124 cards, of which 13 are Secret Rares and 19 are Ultra Rares. It was released November 3rd, 2017 in English (September 15th, 2017 in Japanese).



This is probably my favorite artwork of the set. I remember buying it when I came across it on eBay soon after the set was released:

I also kinda like this evolution line:

And the pose of this Magikarp is pretty good as well, especially with the mechanical Magikarp (probably from Team Rocket) in the back.

And the colors and CGI of the Gyarados is also pretty amazing:



I like this set much more in Japanese than English because I liked all the holo cards a lot and the holos on Sun & Moon era look so much better in Japanese as the border of them is holographic too. In general I’m not a huge fan of this set and none of the ultra rares on it interest me in collecting point of view, but there are some nice looking cards like the holos as I mentioned.

This Regice is really cool and gives me a Gold Star vibe, especially as Regice’s color is almost the same in both normal and shiny form. If you haven’t noticed I really like Fukuda’s work :grin:

Some other cards I like:

I think this Houndoom would look amazing as a holo, too bad it isn’t


The holos in this set tend to bleed in the English cards on the entire card. I have multiple holos (the favorite being a Regice) where the whole card appears holo effectively.

This set also is responsible for the Buzzwolle dominated format currently in the competitive TCG

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Gyarados GX Full Art hands down is my favorite card in this set. Blue is my favorite color and this card is rich full of it.


Totally agree with this - Full Art Gyarados GX is my favorite card as well. Magikarp coming in second.


This set is really all about one card for me:

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Cool little small fun fact, that boat in the background is not actually team rocket, but a regular boat from Seafolk village :blush:


Thanks a lot… Now I started collecting Full Art Supporters… :unamused: :stuck_out_tongue:
Jk, was already doubting to do it many times before, but your comment finally made me decide to start collecting them. Already have all (except for two) incoming. :laughing:

Ah, thanks for letting me know! It indeed didn’t really look like the Team Rocket Magikarp from the anime, but had no idea who else would use a mechanical Magikarp, and maybe they’re updated it in the recent S&M series (I’m quite behind watching them lately…)

Never even heard of the Seafolk village before tbh. Thanks for the informative correction. :blush:



Got my two favorite pulls from Crimson Invasion back from the graders today. Very pleased!

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I completely agree, the card is simply gorgeous…plus Gyarados is my 2nd all-time favorite Pokémon so adding this card to my collection was a MUST! :grin:

One more recently added to my collection that I forgot to include. Hands down my favorite from this set.

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Very nice cards, and congrats on the grades! (this one in particular)

Getting my RR Buzzwole graded, but I’d say that is by far my favorite card out of this set. Gyarados Full Art comes after.


Even though its a hyper rare and I like the way they look. Specifically for Gyarados, I prefer the original color palate.