Set Checklist Spreadsheet (Easily adaptable to any set)

Hello everyone. I don’t really collect many full sets anymore, but for a while I was working on complete English sets and wanted a way to track it. I am not really a fan of using a 3rd party website for stuff like this since you’re at the whim of them keeping things up to date. I love making elaborate spreadsheets and checklists so I decided to make one for Pokémon TCG sets.

The idea behind this spreadsheet is that it’s a template that can be used for any set. I also wanted it to automatically keep track of rarities, for example how many commons do I need to finish the commons of the set? I wanted to try to make it require as little effort as possible to adapt the checklist to each set. I’ll put instructions for use below, but the long and short of it is copy pasting the set list from Bulbapedia will fill out most of the spreadsheet for you. The added benefit of this is you can click each card to be brought directly to the Bulbapedia page for the card.

Rebel Clash is the set I put in there as an example, but this can easily be swapped out for any set.

The checklist

The “I don’t really care how this works I just want to use it” instructions.

  • Start by making a copy of this sheet to your own Google Drive so that you’re able to edit it. There are two sheets in this spreadsheet, the checklist itself and the backend. The only things that should be interacted with on the checklist page are the checkboxes themselves. The rest of the cells are filled by the backend sheet.
  • Columns A-C are filled with info from Bulbapedia. Go to the Bulbapedia page for a set, and highlight a set list starting in the upper left corner of the list (starting with the “No.” header) all the way down to the final card in the list. Copy this to your clipboard, and then go to the spreadsheet. Highlight cell A3 on the Backend sheet and paste, this will fill in the entire list.
  • The checklist keeps track of how many of which rarity you have, and how many of each rarity are in the set. This is the only manual information you need to type into the spreadsheet, since it won’t paste from Bulbapedia. Columns L and M show the rarity symbol and their corresponding numbers. You need to type the corresponding numbers into column D for each card. I find this goes very quickly if you have the spreadsheet open side by side with the Bulbapedia page.
  • Once you’ve done that, the checklist is fully adapted to that set. You can switch out the set icons etc to personalize it more to that set.
  • Checking off a checkbox will increase the counter of the corresponding rarity at the top of the checklist. Checking off a box in the Reverse Holo column will adjust the reverse holo counters. There will be reverse holo checkboxes for cards that don’t have reverse holo copies however they do nothing. The reverse holo column and counters are set to function how most more modern sets handle reverse holos (every common, uncommon, rare, and holo rare have a RH variant) so if you use this for a set that treats reverses differently, you will need to adjust this.

That’s basically it. Just keep in mind that you do not need to edit any of the cells from column E onward in the backend sheet. I know it looks messy but most of the backend sheet is just getting the front end to accurately tick off the correct counter for each rarity.


Thank you! I need to learn on how to use the checklist function on excel and it’s nice to see an application

This was great, thanks! I didn’t get it fully working yet but i’ll try to work it out later, still already very useful without all the functions! :blush: