Release dates of various Pokémon League cards?

I’m putting together a binder collection which I’m wanting to display in date order. So far I have the majority of cards from this collection ordered from 1999 to present, but there are a handful of League promo cards which I have no idea when they were released.

These are the cards:

  • XY BREAKthrough - 78/162 - Marowak - 1st place Pokémon League stamp.
  • XY BREAKthrough - 78/162 - Marowak - 2nd place Pokémon League stamp.
  • XY BREAKthrough - 78/162 - Marowak - 3rd place Pokémon League stamp.
  • XY BREAKthrough - 78/162 - Marowak - 4th place Pokémon League stamp.
  • XY BREAKthrough - 101/162 - Flabébé - Pokemon League stamp.
  • XY BREAKthrough - 102/162 - Floette - Pokemon League stamp.
  • XY BREAKpoint - 1/122 - Chikorita - Pokemon League stamp.
  • XY Fates Collide - 63/124 - Lucario - 1st place Pokémon League stamp.
  • XY Fates Collide - 63/124 - Lucario - 2nd place Pokémon League stamp.
  • XY Fates Collide - 63/124 - Lucario - 3rd place Pokémon League stamp.
  • XY Fates Collide - 63/124 - Lucario - 4th place Pokémon League stamp.
  • SM Burning Shadows - 41/147 - Raichu - 1st place Pokémon League stamp.
  • SM Burning Shadows - 41/147 - Raichu - 2nd place Pokémon League stamp.
  • SM Burning Shadows - 41/147 - Raichu - 3rd place Pokémon League stamp.
  • SM Burning Shadows - 41/147 - Raichu - 4th place Pokémon League stamp.

Is anyone able to tell me the dates these were released. If not the exact date, at least the month and year?

Just google when the Pokemon Leagues where held for the specific sets.

Breakthrough - 2015
Breakpoint - 2016
Fates Collide - 2016
Burning Shadows- 2017

I’m not sure what I need to search for. Narrowing down the year is easy, but I want the month as well.

The Marowaks are Jan 2016
Flabebe is Nov 2015
Floette is Dec 2015
Chikorita is Feb 2016
Lucarios are May 2016
Raichus are Aug/Oct 2017

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I spent quite a bit of time trying to google for you, and it was quite a challenge. Here’s what I found:

First of all, you should not be narrowing them by month, but by order.League Promos are released via Seasons, then by League Challenge, League Cup, and finally the regional stamp (Not really the same league stamp anymore). Therefore, you should categorize by:

Season 1, Season 2, Season 3, League Challenge, League Cup

It’s a bad idea to start with months because different stores will receive the promos at different times, and they will host the league challenge at different dates. This means that if a league promo was released near the beginning/end of the month, release dates may become inaccurate and prone to error. For example, one store may have received it earlier and hosted the event earlier in late November, whereas another store may have received it in late November and hosted it in December. Therefore, unless you can pinpoint the first store to receive and release an event (which is quite difficult I tried for you already), it’s quite impossible to do. I searched for your Marowak, and in two different stores, one Pokemon event is held in November (without stating which promo card was rewarded), whereas another store held a confirmed Marowak League Promo league event in Late January/Early Februrary. So this means that even if you start tracking the month of your league promos released at your local card store, you may be largely inaccurate because it’ll depend on the store.

Here are other suggestions I would give:

  1. Befriend/Go to your local card store, and they should have kept a database of when they received what type of league promo, which if you want to really narrow by month, they would be able to provide it to you. However, that’s at the discretion of the store, so your mileage may vary.

  2. The earlier the years, the exponentially harder it gets to find info on the card’s specific release date. XY breakthrough gave much less information compared to burning shadows.

  3. Older seasons, like XY Breakthrough doesnt go through Season 1, 2, 3 they go through with some random name like “Nature Season” so that would help you exponentially when searching. Newer sets follow better the league season + pokemon card name, but it’s not always the case.

  4. Go through big communities Pokemon Facebook Pages that host events, and check their event page. Good facebook event hosts for Pokemon would clearly list the name of the event (Season 1, Season 2, Nature Season and so forth) and SOMETIMES let you know what prizes are given out. That would help with the searching.

Good luck.

Final edit: I unstruck the lines in case anyone wants to read it


@nuttun Sorry lol thank you for doing the write up anyways, also Ditto is the second best Pokemon because it can transform into Gyarados so I name you honorary wizard from henceforth!


Oh man this is a proud moment for me :relieved:

Thanks for taking the time for typing this out. No joke this should be stickied/put onto the bulbapedia page, because I literally wasted 1 hour of my time trying to piece little bits of information together for pichufan, whereas you thoroughly explained the issue so concretely and perfectly.

Hopefully future members/collector would stumble onto this post when searching for league promos!