Last night I was editing/updating my spreadsheet to optimize my collection searching. And with my daily random eBay search I found out on of the cards also had a version with a Regional Stamp on it. But I couldn’t find a list with names of cards that all got special stamps on it. So, I’ve been filling my browser history with the most ridiculous search entries you can imagine to figure this out. Yet, no result. Suddenly I remembered there was a thread on E4 about the DCE stamped cards and I just knew some people chase after them.
So, my question is;
Is there a website, or maybe some shared Google docs file, listing all the special stamped cards like Regional, Winner, Pre-Release and Staff cards?
It would really help me completing my spreadsheet and doing more effective searches, purchases and hunts if I know exactly what I am searching instead of stumbling upon it and losing time trying to research the card.
It’s a Dutch site with cards from Base Through Plasma Freeze, including promo sets, pop and trainer kits. every set contains a full set list and specials for that set. I don’t know if all of the cards are in there but it is a start! There is even a pic for every single card
But even with all these sources you still have to investigate and search yourself, and indeed keep a list with everything you discover. When I started collecting Pikachus I only had Bulbapedia to guide me at first. When I had around 200-250 Pikachus I discovered @justinator 's website. He had around 500-550 Pikachus at the time, of the ~650-700 he knew to exist. In the 1.5 years I’m collecting now I’ve only been able to discover a couple new Pikachus Justin had missed (apart from new releases). And some of these discoveries were thanks to help on this forum as well. Cards like the Red Cheeks Base Pikachu with Grey 1st edition stamp; the Australian Jungle Pikachu; the 10 different Double bordered Neo Genesis sample cards; the distinguished versions of the Sample 1 Pikachu; the Spanish Reverse Holo Mysterious Treasures Pikachu with stamp; the English LPPCollecting stamped Ivy Pikachu WotC promo #1; the Gotta Magazine French Glossy WotC promo #4 that was released in Japan; etc. etc.
Without Justin’s list as a great start I wouldn’t have had the collection I have today. I owe a lot to him.
I realize you are looking for a similar source for your special releases and event stamped cards. But unless someone has this same collecting goal as you I doubt someone has such a compiled list. Justin has invested A LOT of time creating this initial list, and I continued where he left off regarding new releases (that reminds me Justin : The Roaring Skies McDonald’s Pikachu of 2016 is also released in German; recently found one from Switzerland. Along with the English, French, Italian, Spanish and Russian 2016 versions and English and French 2015 versions I was already aware of.)
As for your stamped cards collecting @genosha , are you looking for all stamps? Or only event-stamped and staff cards? If all I could give you a list of all Pikachus with special release stamps. If the first, the only one I can think of is 175/XY-P Festa Pikachu promo of 2015 with Event Organizer Stamp.
I’ve checked all sources you name. Serebii and Bulbapedia being my main sources for Pokéinfo for 10 years. But while looking up Venusaurs on eBay I found this Regional Stamped from Crystal Guardians, which was not on my list. It wasn’t on Bulbapedia or Serebii either. Googling was all swing, no hit.
It’s what you say; if there is not at least a couple more people out there after the same thing there is no publicly available info on ‘special stamped’ cards.
Don’t get me wrong, I like the hunt and my spreadsheet gets a weekly overhaul probably just like yours but I got hit in the face with info I couldn’t find and/or confirm. And info about all those regional stamped cards keep elusive.
@djgigabyte Does Laura have hers separate? If she does, she could probably just throw together some photos real quick and more or less have a full guide. Haha
Exactly my problem. You got cards with these stamps, for various events, various regions, various placing. But no info available of all let’s say this Leafeon is the same for all regions just with different stamp. Do they have additional STAFF or 1-4 PLACE stamps too?
It’s a wild goosechase