Random thought about displaying some cards

I have a gold star collection that I intend on putting into a nice frame 9x3 rows for all 27 cards. The frame first graded cards but I think I am going to leave my gold stars ungraded because while I could probably afford to get 90% of them in a respectable grade, a few of them would be much lower and irritate my ocd.

I also dont want to send them to psa for “authentic” encapsulation because it costs the same as grading so aat that point I’d be dumb to not grade. I Dont like the color of the beckett authentic label or cgc and dont really know any others. Has anyone tried using the screw down card holders? I think the screw itself looks bad but Couldnt you flip the holder around and basically use it backwards??

Has anyone done this and could provide a pic, I dont have any screw down cases

One option is the “One Touch Magnetic Card Holders.” Or you could just try top loaders


I have them in top loaders but Essentially Id like something as close to a pro grading company case without the label coloring nonsense

I will also suggest one touch magnetic cases for the size of them, but any case will do the job. Toploaders alone + plastic sealed bag are how I would display mine because they require less space

I think GMA does something with custom encapsulation but I’m not sure

are pokemon cards 35 pt cardstock? There seems to be 2 types of lutra pro screwdown receded holders

Magnetic holders or maybe semi rigid sleeves is what I would suggest.

For your personal collection there is nothing wrong with an authentic only grade from psa.

Yes, I use them with kmc prefect fit sleeves.

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Just discovered these.

I can’t vouch for them because I’ve never tried them, but they look promising. Might be a good option @modestmudkip.

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