Random Pokemon Shower Thoughts

Didnt mean to directly reply to you on that :sweat_smile:

What if all pokemon are just ditto that decided they wanted to be smth different, and there arent actually new species. The ditto who did this would need to be really smart, to say smth besides “Ditto!” But… i mean, meowth exists.


i mean, when eating an egg you dont actually eat the fertile ones. you eat the infertile ones, that wont become a chicken, i assume the same applies for pokemon.


Didn’t Bill just dressed as one? It was just a tiny bit better costume than James’s mighty Moltres =)


Yeah ig, but if you cook it right it could be good, i mean, just wash off the grimer goo from the egg, also, How do the MAMMALS lay eggs?


I always wondered that, felt like it was cop out, hard to imagine a machamp laying an egg :sweat_smile:

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I would imagine that food based Pokemon like Alcreamie, Flapple, Bounsweet would be the best tasting.



There’s an image! :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face:

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This makes me uncomfortable :sob::rofl:

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Oh for sure, an appletun, or slow roasted ducklett :pinched_fingers::pinched_fingers:

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Australia would like to have a word with you for insulting what I assume is their national animal, the Platypus.

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I assume its based on egg categories. Like eating a crocodile egg is different than a spider egg is different than a bird egg. Also yes, Im sure it more relies on their diets though so if they are all eating the same pokefood, then the eggs likely will all be approximately the same flavors.

Ill remember to stick to wild pokemon eggs to maximize flavor then

@ReganRampage Id still stay away from grimer eggs based on environment, who knows it could be a delicacy.

Thought: How fast is evolution happening in the world, or maybe its just genetic modification, that all these pokemon have camouflage based on real things. Fidough and Dachsbun may look like bread but that is not bread, those are real parts of their body just like sylveons ribbons, why would they need to look like specific types of bread though? What evolutionary benefit does it give them? Designer pokemon seems rather inhumane in this world of inhumane things. Does this mean that eventually vanillish can be selectively bred to be different ice cream phenotypes?

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I would love a book on the science behind the evolutionary advancement of pokemon.


Is there income inequality in Pokemon?

Do gym leaders get paid?

Are there regional accents?

What are prisons like in Pokemon?

When criminals are prosecuted, what happens to their Pokemon? Is there a Pokemon jail?


Oh thats a good one. I feel like the pokemon would get rehabilitated or something similar and they would deem which ones are fit for release. The rest go to the pokemon reserves?

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They have all kinds of incredibly powerful Psychic types, each courthouse probably has its own Alakazam or something to just wipe the minds of criminals.

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That didnt even cross my mind good point. With a pokemon like alakazam or hypno they really could “correct” criminal minds

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