PSA Re-Encapsulating Old Cases

I could not find much information on PSA’s website on the pricing or how to go about sending in a card with the old case to have it re encapsulated in the new case, also does the card go through re grading as well? Any information would be appreciated, thanks!

No regrade with reholder service. Regrade occurs with the review service i believe. Not sure on costs though

I think I remember reading $7 if the value is below $5K for just a new case. And yeah, no regrade needed.

Thanks guys, do you need a membership to use the re holder service?

Unless something has changed, don’t believe you need to be a member.

Should of checked before asking, I was able to create an account and can do it that way. Was happy to see its only $7 but shipping is $18.

I have used the re Holder service a few times. They do regrade the card to make sure it doesn’t get damaged in the process. They are pretty good and take good care of your cards in this service!

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Try being international mate. That $18 turns into $55 for us :wink:


So it’s possible it could come back with a lesser grade? That sounds messed up.

I don’t believe this is true. You can get it regraded, but the reholder service will keep the same Serial number and just put the card in a new case.

Actually what @dragontype is saying is true.

When you re-holder, they re-grade the item. I’ve recently been through this process, none of the cards I submitted changed grades.

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@joetehman @xstrangerxdanger they do regrade to make sure they aren’t re encapsulating a PSA 10 that was damaged in the process. they dont change the verification number. your cards verification number remains the same through the process and all relevant information is updated on the database.

My mistake. Doesn’t make much sense to me, I know some of my older PSA cased cards float around and could receive damage just being shipped. Mind blown.

Makes me worried, I have a psa 9 charizard in a old case that lets the card slide up and down and looks like a possible psa 8 or 9.

If they change the grade, they say they compensate you in the value difference between the old grade and new grade.

That’s their “grade guarantee”.

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Gotcha, thanks for the information.

Interesting. I was going to submit my 1st edition base set cards to get re-holdered but i now may just keep em as they are. I don’t want a psa 10 card to go down to a 9 and then have to fork out big money to buy another 10

Not that I’ve done it before, but I highly doubt that PSA would dock your card a grade if you submitted for a reholder unless the card was clearly more damaged/undeserving of the original grade. Think about it logically- you didn’t pay them for a regrade, so why would the person reholdering the card take that extra step of carefully reevaluating/grading it? Also it’d look pretty bad on PSA’s part if cards could be damaged that easily while encapsulated in one of their slabs. For them to routinely dock grades when their customers simply asked for re-encapsulation would be the equivalent of them saying that their slabs don’t provide the stellar protection for your cards that PSA says they do.

You say that you haven’t used the service, so why are you saying “so why would the person reholdering the card take that extra step of carefully reevaluating/grading it?”.

Two people have confirmed that they do in fact re-grade the cards, two people that have used that service.

If you don’t believe me, I’m happy to show you my email trail with PSA that confirms it.

To me, it’s simple; they’re evaluating the integrity of the authenticated card. They’re putting their name on something again, and making sure that nothing fishy is going on.

I’m just giving some food for thought with some logic mixed in. What would be the difference between the re-encapsulation service and the grade review service then if they fully inspected the card again both ways? Given the cheaper price for re-encapsulating vs. the review, why wouldn’t people who want their cards regraded just use the former option?

This is not to say that they don’t look at the card at all when you send it in for re-encapsulation, but I can’t imagine that they will give it more than a quick glance as opposed to going through the entire grading process… in which case the grade of the card is very unlikely to change.